
From '''UTWiki''', the [[The Unknown Turaga Saga|Unknown Turaga]] Wiki.

Lyrrahk, one of Makuta Teridax's four lieutenants, was a Shadow Kraata encased within specialist Rahkshi armour.



Lyrrahk allegedly started life as a normal Kraata with powers of hunger. Over time, he evolved, as all Kraata do, eventually reaching the Shadow Kraata stage. Still equipped with Vorahk armour, he distinguished himself in the eyes of many Makuta, eventually reaching the notice of Makuta Teridax. During a fierce battle with Dark Hunters, Teridax snatched him from the fray and brought him to a laboratory. There, he removed Lyrrahk from his Vorahk armour and placed him inside a custom armour suit built by Teridax. He was then placed into a stasis tube for the following 999 years.

Upon his defeat at the hands of Toa Takanuva, Teridax split into two entities; the one in question was a clone spawned from excess antidermis and shattered Makuta armour. Requiring an army to bring down Turaga Dlakii, Teridax created a vast horde of Shadow Rahkshi, and appointed Lyrrahk as one of the army's four leaders, along with Morkuva, Noir and Muntauce.

Lyrrahk led an army of Shadow Rahkshi by sea to intercept the pirate ship Crackpot, upon which Dlakii was travelling. He unleashed his armies on the ship, but they were held back by the combined skills of the pirates and Dlakii's warriors. Lyrrahk was later challenged to a one-on-one duel by iKKF, nearly killing him. iKKF survived by Dlakii granting him enhanced power and strength; iKKF successfully struck back, destroying Lyrrahk's armour and slaying his steed. It is unknown whether or not his kraata survived.


Lyrrahk was equipped with customised Rahkshi armour. This armour, though shorter and with a larger head than average Rahkshi suits, provided far more physical power and enhanced the powers of the Kraata within. The suit also allowed him to speak properly, rather than rely on telepathy or incomprehensible Kraata screams. However, the armour drained the Shadow Kraata's powers to do so, preventing it from infecting masks at all while within the armour.

Having once been a Kraata of Hunger (and subsequently a Vorahk), Lyrrahk was capable of draining energy from other lifeforms; with his enhanced Shadow Kraata powers magnified by his armour, he gained the extra power of draining energy from unliving items, such as the air. He could also distribute his energy to other beings, to grant them extra power.


Lyrrahk was equipped with the Lunar Spear, a powerful spear imbued with dark powers which was stolen from the corpse of Toa Enira by forces unknown. He also rode a mutant Rahkshi steed.


In many ways, Lyrrahk was like Makuta Antroz. He was an honour-bound warrior who refused to resort to trickery in battle.


  • Lyrrahk and his steed were directly based on one of the Rahkshi Kaita combiner models, albeit with the head of the Ultimate Dume combiner.
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