Chemical Elements

From '''UTWiki''', the [[The Unknown Turaga Saga|Unknown Turaga]] Wiki.

The Chemical Elements are, basically, the elements of which the entire world is comprised to some extent. As a Toa power, it allows the control of almost all matter.


The Chemical Elements are not a natural Matoran element; indeed, only one being in existence wields the element, this being Lord Toa Harkha.

A Toa of the Chemical Elements quite literally controls everything, with some limitations. Firstly, the control is limited to merely matter. For example, since fire is merely a reaction, it cannot be manipulated by a bearer of the element, nor can explosions be induced. Also, for reasons unknown, protodermis is not part of the element's range, meaning that a Toa of that element cannot control protodermis of any description. However, pretty much anything else is fair game, provided it actually exists.

It should be noted that typically, a bearer of the element cannot create just anything from thin air. However, one would be capable of manipulating that which already exists, particularly if it is available in abundance, and could also phase matter out of existence. Also, this element is much harder to wield than most others, so it takes much more energy to use it.

Known Users

  • Harkha


  • If more Chemical Element-wielders existed, an interesting trend in skill would become apparent; theoretically, given the difficulty presented by this element, wielders would choose to hone their skills manipulating one particular substance. For instance, Harkha chooses to manipulate solely air for the most part, given its constant abundance.
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