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From Uss Epic

Jose Pimental saddled up on a horse and sent gaiopllng right into terrorist activity. This is how desperate Israel is to justify attacking Iran. Who has not seen Inside Job? Israel is a menace to the world. Her own people are at great jeopardy because of Netanyahou,who has gone stark raving mad. An attack on this soil should immediately investigated before there is an attack on Iran. I believe that a stage has set for years. Why else lobby a foreign government to the tune of nearly 800,000. Turned the US politiicans into 2-bit whores.Attack or be attacked is the name of the next point I want to me. Hey, be attacked Israel You'll be attacked whether you strike first or not. War for the rich boys, what a big money make, eh? Money with blood all over it is making men live like kings, lives ruined for generations to come, and oh how well it is spent, mansions, maybe 2 mansions, only the biggest and best diamonds for the Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous and for what? Killing People. Ha, 3rd largest miliary on the planet. What distinction. Leadership in Israeli are murderers all of them. Scum of the earth. And yet here we are placating their brainwashing rhetoric. But do we have a choice? Israeli sympathizers have risen to the top of every industry but the military. War oh yes, war war war. Iran is going to attack israel with nukes and so lets start a war. So Israel attacks iran. The repercussions are too numermous to mention but one is a nuclear winter for the remainder of days. No Problem? You got religion? Well, what about the children? Do they matter at all in this? What's that? Fuck the children, what have the children ever done for me, you say? I thought so. Selfish bastards, you need to see a pscyhiatrist and get some mental health therapy because you Benjamin Netanyahou are stark raving mad. GET SOME HELP.

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