Regions of the United States

From Usgovsimulation

The Regions of the United States are geographical political units of the United States formed after regionalization in 2008. Regions may refer to Regions, smaller geographical political structure containing one or more states that elect two senators, or Super-Regions, larger geographical political entities containing two geographically contiguous regions that elect a governor.



A Superregion is the combination of two Regions. Superregions exist in order to streamline USGovSim, and make the facet of Governorships more interesting and competative. Superregions, for all intents and purposes - except for Senators (see below) - act as States. Though each state remains intact, the Superregion excersizes all aspects of State government for all states within it. A Supperegion has one Governor, one Lt. Governor, and one Legislature. It is one government for all states, and both regions within it. The States exist only for legal purposes, and traditional congressional district boundaries.

To prevent complications and contradictions, the constitution and laws of the largest state in the Superregion supercede and cancel out all other states' laws. Essentially, the laws of all other states cease to be, and the law of the largest state in a Superregion becomes the law of the entire Superregion.

Due to the size of USGovSim, 16 Senators would be extremely exclusive, so each Superregion is divided into two Regions. Regions exist solely for the purpose of electing 2 Senators. They have no legal status otherwise.

United States Regions (view)
Super-Regions Appalachia · Gulf Coast · Heartland · Mid-Atlantic · Midwest · Northeast · Northwest · Southwest
Regions Alleghenies · Atlantic States · Big Sky Country · Bluegrass · California · Cascadia · Deep South · Farm Belt · Great Lakes · New York · New England · Seminole · Shenandoah Valley · Sunbelt · Texas · Wabash Valley
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