MediaWiki talk:Currentrev-asof

From Universalwiki

The fixed amount of Bitcoins make it an ovoibus candidate for a deflationary spiral and/or hoarding. Bitcoints can function as a medium of exchange but not a store of value. I think it's primarily used for buying drugs and child pornography anonymously and that will probably remain its niche. Tinfoil hat crowds may disagree, but they vote for Ron Paul.

[edit] JTkKcMae

You're saying that the price of bitocin will fall due to lack of demand, causing a recession.So how would a controlling body fix the recession by decreasing the value, if that was what caused the recession in this scenario?I kind of like the idea of the Fed not being able to print a ton of money to decrease the value of the currency I hold.On another note, until the value of bitocin stabilizes, it will not be a safe medium to store value long-term. But it is still a great method of transferring value between individuals securely over the internet.

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