
From Universalwiki

Asterisk8, formerly M-407, is a white star with four planets orbiting around it, three of which have orbiting space stations.


[edit] Star System Information

  • Uridium
  • Asteroid Belt

[edit] Trading Stations

Be aware these values may change due to game play, though they do gravitate back towards these amounts listed below. The general margin of error on these is 1 - 2%.

[edit] Reine Blanche

Goods Sell Buy
Food 4.8
Water 0.9
Minerals 12.3
Metals 24.9
Organics 43.5
Industrial Machinery 48.0
Plastics 68.6
Computers 116.7
Construction Materials 767.4

[edit] Minerva

Goods Sell Buy
Food 4.1
Water 1.5
Minerals 13.2
Metals 28.2
Computers 104.6
Rare Metals 395.2
New Technologies 6299.9

[edit] Unknown 1229

Goods Sell Buy
Food 4.6
Water 1.4
Minerals 14.2 10.8
Metals 25.2
Organics 38.3
Industrial Machinery 48.2
Computers 116.6
Slaves 157.3
Narcotics 575.9

[edit] Ships, Weapons & Equipment Available

  • Cargo Transport (85.0) - Unknown 1229
  • UniFighter (5750.0) - Unknown 1229
  • Infinity Improbability (81.0) - Minerva
  • Autopilot (320.0) - Minerva
  • Standard Shields (210.0) - Minerva
  • Asteroid Mining Kit (90.0) - Reine Blanche

[edit] Closest Systems

M-162 (28.60 par) M-259 (39.58 par)

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