From Uncyclopedia 2

Wasn't ROFL the tall one from Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy?

~ {{#ifexist:George W. Bush|George W. Bush|George W. Bush}} {{#if:ROFL|on ROFL}}

soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi

~ {{#ifexist:Microsoft Sam|Microsoft Sam|Microsoft Sam}} {{#if:ROFL|on ROFL}}

Ask Mom First! or u will get it in the butty

Standing for Rubbing On Fat Lesbians, this acronym came about after the Great Leopard War of 1816. It has also been called LOL 95 indicating that ROFL was an improvement on LOL 3.1.

OnionROFL ROFL ROFLPLOXER : Rofl is lol stuart likes wham. lawl. law.



The onions started to develop an aircraft, a Rofletrain, the Roflcopter (now equipped with OMG missiles, WTF bombs, PWNED torpedos, and the famous ROFLcannon), at the beginning of the war. It wasn't very successful, mainly because the onion's idea of a Roflcopter was some sort of submarine, and because this was a land-based war, they weren't even able to produce a prototype before they were defeated. Famous Roflcopter pilots include Dalius and Foogan. Fortunately for the onions, a new aircraft had been designed - the PMPL but due to lack of funding from the CBA, the design could not be put into production. Unfortunately, the development of FFS flares has lead to roflcopter pilots being blinded and missing their targets, and even flying in buildings. Paranoid Communists also produced the STFU interceptor to instantly scramble all communications to and from passing roflcopters to prevent spies. NOTE* Overuse of these interceptors caused the Russians to roll in mid-air, laughing hysterically for no convenient reason.

Not to be confused with a Roflchopter of Wafflecopter. The two are very similar but the Roflchopter's name ends in "chopter" and also it is relatively less funny for some reason. The Wafflecopter is a waffle in a helicopter. If a waffle is placed in helicopter it will instantly become a wafflecopter. If a waffle is placed in a roflcopter or a roflchopter it will become a waffleroflcopter or a waffleroflchopter. What if you placed perhaps a pancake in a roflcopter...the possibilities are endless.....

Pancakes is another history , if your friend was like *R0FL3 ! GOTZ W4FAIL U DUNT LOOLOLOL, than you should post about him in your blog

                                  ________                                                     (       ) 
    ROFL ROFL|ROFL ROFL          (  LoL    )
           __|__                  (_______)
   L      /     \\
  LOL====|   O O \\
   L      \\______/               ___
                           LMAO               ____
  /\\     /\\     /\\         LMAOLAWL----------|NOOB>
 /  \\   /  \\   /  \\        LMAO    
/    \\ /    \\ /    \\    LMAOOOOOOO
  ||     ||     ||      LMAOOOOOOO
  ||     ||     ||      \\________/             

The ROFLCOPTER re-enforced by the new LMAO tank, armed with High Explosive Anti-Noob (HEAB) ammunition. This picture was taken in the barrens of zomgness. See also wafflecopter

Family Life

ROFLcopter, as stated beforehand was created by the onions, but this was only a lie as ROFLcopter was the lovechild of God and Mary Magladene. ROFLcopter attended Baltimore acadamy, and achieved an A* in computer programming (this would later lead to him developing Microsoft Sam, an evil virus). However ROFLcopter's time at Baltimore acadamy meant that he got bullied by wafflecopter in the playground and this was a contributing factor to the MC Hammer incident. When ROFLcopter told His Father he was being bullied God disowned him and ROFLcopter converted to Islam. Everytime ROFLcopter flies he goes 'Soi soi soi soi soi soi' and is a secret message to Allah which is a creed they created in a game of Chinese Whispers.
A photograph of ROFLcopter's bully, The Wafflecopter.

The Legend of the Microsoft Sam ROFLCOPTER

It has been told, that by performing ancient rituals and rites, one can turn their computer into a mythical ROFLCOPTER. According to the legend, if one were to type in the characters "soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi" in to the Microsoft Sam speech tool under Start>Settings>Control Panel> Speech>Text to Speech (select Microsoft Sam as the voice), then he would reward you for your quest by making an hilarious ROFLCOPTER sound that sounds like "swa swa swa swa swa etc...". (this actually works, try it, it's hilarious XD).

ROFL Nowadays

Nowadays ROFL is used by the internet pirates and is internet-speak for "reach out for lube." The statement normally is used when a user of the "internet" needs to "FAP." Many people don't really know the true meaning of ROFL and scientists have studied its origins for more than 23 decades and have come up with nothing. However in 2004 it was discovered that the word ROFLMAPOTOMOS could be derived from the root ROFL, if one found themself in such a situation that "Rubbbing On Fat Lesbians," just quite could'nt cut it. Also, it has been recently discovered that in the year 2006 in an old encyclopedia that ROFL stands for Russian Orthodox Fraternity Lubov. ROFLAOMG!LMFAO! It has also been heard ROFL could also stand for Raping Our Freaking Llamas.


ROFL once dated LOLLERSKATES, and even after the birth of their child "ROFLSKATES", ROFL was feeling awkward and became asexual. He now calls himself "ROFLCOPTAR" and disregards and former knowledge of his ex-lover and son. Oprah Winfrey oddly approves of these actions, but advises you not to stare directly into his eyes or death will be instantaneous.

Origins of Rofl

It has been speculated that ROFL originated from chinese. A symbol that is believed to mean 'lol' or 'lmao' is included in the chinese alphabet. In its translation, it may have been mistaken for the symbol for waffle, as its appearance suggests. This lead to the term "WAFL!" to be used in place of the traditional terms 'lol' or 'lmao'.

Really, What Is A ROFL?

It actually means roffle.

A roffle is, of course, a baked good. Roffles can be grilled, toasted, fried and even topped with eggs and sausages. They also taste good with Lazomga. You might eat one as an accompaniment to your breakfast, or of course as a tasty snack which is convieniently quick and easy to prepare. They are popular in America but can be found commonly in many other countries such as Uzbeckistan, West Uzbeckistan, South West Uzbeckistan, Northern Turkemestan and England. Roffle'z are also the lesbian sister of Lolcakes,which are delicacies from Eastern Africa. (Rofl also is an acronym for Rolling On the Floor Laughing)

A Waffle, on the other hand, is an internet slang word which one might say to a very funny joke.

The AAAAcopter, a slightly noisier model of the ROFLcopter.

<poll> Die, die. OMG ZOMG LOL ROFL LMAO ROFLMAO i like to fuck your mom I want a cup of tea, please. </poll>


ROFLMAONAISE is similar ROFLMAO but it has naise on the end to sound like a pus like substance commonly found on nerds faces. Maonaise tastes funny. But ROFLMAONAISE tastes like Hillary Clintons breast milk from her left breast and the peak of her ovualation..

See also



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