The Uncyclopedia Movie 2

From Uncyclopedia 2

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This article is part of the recognizing 9/11 campaign.
NEVAR 4GET, BITCHES!! Well, Australia did not forget it, as she fought terrorism with the USA
<choose><option></option><option></option><option></option><option></option><option></option><option></option> </choose>

[Insert poster here]
Trailer for Uncyclopedia Movie 2.
Writers Captain Oblivious
Producer Captain Oblivious
Director George Lucas (credited as Jar-Jar Binks<ref>George wanted to take on the Alan Smithee alias, but discovered that Steven Spielberg had already done that in the first movie, so he took the first name he could remember.</ref>)
Runtime Unknown as no one has ever been known to have endured watching the whole film
Language English, AAAAAAAAA!, and binary
Distributed by Uncyclomedia Films
Plot Keywords Stupidity / Worst 100 Movies of All Time / Random humour / Kitten Huffing / Uncyclopedia In-Jokes
IMDb rating Youtubestar.pngYoutubestar1.pngYoutubestar1.pngYoutubestar1.pngYoutubestar1.pngYoutubestar1.pngYoutubestar1.pngYoutubestar1.pngYoutubestar1.pngYoutubestar1.png
Uncyclopedia movie poster

"Oh, crap, I hate sequels! They always ruin the original film."

~ Steven Spielberg on The Uncyclopedia Movie 2

"Yeeeeesss, I'm, like, SOOOOOOO proud of having been involved in this *BEEP* movie!!!"

~ Captain Sarcasm on The Uncyclopedia Movie 2

"After some consideration, I have decided to give this movie an F."

~ Mr Winkler on The Uncyclopedia Movie 2

The Uncyclopedia Movie 2: Incoherent Nonsense at the Edge of Sanity (or simply The Uncyclopedia Movie 2) is the thrilling sequel to the exciting action-packed blockbuster film The Uncyclopedia Movie. Following the pattern of the recent popular live-action martial arts film Ninjas of the Carribean, the The Uncyclopedia Movie series is like a salute to the somewhat archaic film credos of yesteryear. (i.e. if movies blow enough stuff up they make a million bucks<ref>To be completely honest, that should actually be "if movies blows enough they make a million people puke".</ref>)


[edit] Plot (or lack thereof)

Since this movie was directed by Captain Oblivious, it has absolutely no coherent plot whatsoever<ref>Seriously, random humour doesn't even begin to cut it, you'll have apply quantum logic and then some for this to be even remotely understandable</ref>, but it can at best be interpreted as random tidbits of grues, Oscar Wilde quotes, Captain Obvious, Captain Sarcasm, gay-jokes, kitten huffing, All Your Base Are Belong To Us-references, a gigantic cosmic battle across multiply dimensions<ref>Just kidding, that would actually be somewhat redeemable, wouldn't it? Actually it takes place in a McDonalds restaurant at lunch break and is extremely anti-climatic and disappointing.</ref> between the entire Jesii Corps against the Green Lantern Corps (!!!), Wikipedia vandals, ban jokes, unusually vivid conspiracy theories featuring, amongst others, Emmanuel Goldstein and the CABAL, and lots and lots of squirrels (even more than in the previous movie), thrown into a mixer and then edited randomly into a completely nonsensical script that even Captain Oblivious himself has difficulties to follow. The film was originally intended to be directed by George Lucas, but he turned to the Dark Side early and left the film studio with an angry expression on his face (and seriously, who can blame him?). Even if the plot is completely incomprehensible, we will nonetheless try to give a try to explain it:

The Uncyclopedia Movie 2: Incoherent Nonsense at the Edge of Sanity is about a bunch of disillusioned former Wikipedia editors who have turned to the Dark Side. They immediately come under attack by specially trained grues and a brainwashed Green Lantern Corps<ref>Which has nothing at all to do with the website, but merely thrown in as comic (and with comic, we really mean comic) relief and for further randomness.</ref> sent by CATS to restore Truth to the Wikipedia Universe<ref>Is anyone even remotely understanding this? I'm not.</ref>. They are defeated by the a joint effort between Jack Bauer, Chuck Norris, Vin Diesel, Mr. T, Samuel L. Jackson, Leonidas and the entire Jesii Corps, who travels back in time to the era of the dinosaurs to the save the Uncyclopedians and then accidentally brings back (or forward, depending on how you see it) a thousand T-rex's (what else did you expect?) with them to the modern age, a situation that of course needs to be rectified. Then the Thought Police come but Emmanuel Goldstein shows up and... (oh fuck, this is so embarrassing that I can't even go on, who would seriously watch this pile of dog turd anyway?!)

As is per custom for modern action movies, the plot had to be nauseatingly convoluted, in the hopes that it would cover up the fact that the script is really just incredibly stupid (this has become more common with the success of the Pirates of the Caribbean sequels.) Oscar Wilde used this trick before in the writing of many of his poems.

This shows a great contrast from the first Uncyclopedia film, which was rather like a boring historical documentary on the life of Oscar Wilde starring Samuel L. Jackson.

[edit] Critics about The Uncyclopedia Movie 2

Hey, They Havent Even Finished The First Movie Yet!

~ {{#ifexist:You|You|You}} {{#if:|on {{{3}}}}}

This movie simply isn't very good.

~ {{#ifexist:Captain Understatement|Captain Understatement|Captain Understatement}} {{#if:The Uncyclopedia Movie 2|on The Uncyclopedia Movie 2}}

Four thumbs down!

~ {{#ifexist:Zaphod Beeblebrox|Zaphod Beeblebrox|Zaphod Beeblebrox}} {{#if:The Uncyclopedia Movie 2|on The Uncyclopedia Movie 2}}

“'ey that's my movie!

~ {{#ifexist:Shrek|Shrek|Shrek}} {{#if:The Uncyclopedia Movie 2|on The Uncyclopedia Movie 2}}

go eat shit fuckers

~ {{#ifexist:User:|User:|User:}} {{#if:The Uncyclopedia Movie 2|on The Uncyclopedia Movie 2}}

I got cramp im my wrist after watching it!

~ {{#ifexist:Oscar Wilde|Oscar Wilde|Oscar Wilde}} {{#if:The Uncyclopedia Movie 2|on The Uncyclopedia Movie 2}}

Worst film ever! (and I should know, I paid for it)

~ {{#ifexist:God|God|God}} {{#if:The Uncyclopedia Movie 2|on The Uncyclopedia Movie 2}}

AaAAaaAAaaAAaa! I'm a million ladies tall!

~ {{#ifexist:Homsar|Homsar|Homsar}} {{#if:The Uncyclopedia Movie 2|on The Uncyclopedia Movie 2}}


~ {{#ifexist:Hello Kitty|Hello Kitty|Hello Kitty}} {{#if:The Uncyclopedia Movie 2|on The Uncyclopedia Movie 2}}

[edit] Awards

None, since even the hardened Golden Raspberry Awards-jury immediately crawled under their beds in horror as soon as they were reminded of the living blasphemy that is the first Uncyclopedia Movie.

[edit] Rumors of possible third and fourth sequels

Recently, hollywood rumors have surfaced that Peter Jackson is going to film The Uncyclopedia Movie 3: Steve Ballmer's Revenge in New Zealand. It is rumored that Christopher Walken will be involved, but all rumors have been denied by the Christopher Walken Palace in Silicon Valley. Like all film series, the fourth movie after it will most definitely be set in deep space, about two hundred years into the future, be directed by Paul W. S. Anderson and will be loosely inspired by the works of H. P. Lovecraft.

In Soviet Russia, The Uncyclopedia Movie 2 watches YOU!!

~ {{#ifexist:Russian reversal|Russian reversal|Russian reversal}} {{#if:The Uncyclopedia Movie 2|on The Uncyclopedia Movie 2}}

[edit] See also

[edit] Footnotes


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