World War II Propaganda Films

From Unawiki

The World War II Propaganda Films are movies made with the aim to convince the nation of the necessity of military interventions and promote these war aims. In Germany under Adolf Hitler, there were films made like ‘The Wandering Jew’ that displays the threat the Jews are or Leni Riefenstahl’s ‘Olympia’ promoting Aryan ideals and prowess. Franklin D. Roosevelt also advised the American film industry to make propaganda movies, but in a more subtle way than Germany. The famous series ‘Why We Fight’ was supposed to show American soldiers the reason for the US’ war involvement and later to persuade the whole public to support the US in its war involvement. Also other genres like a love story in ‘Casablanca’ or a comedy in ‘The Great Dictator’ are used to establish a broad attitude against Germany. World War II was also a part of Walt Disney Cartoons which made a public commentary and portrayed Hitler as a comical figure. An important means was to give the population security by referring to the US agriculture (Food will win the war), but to warn that sacrifices had to be made. Another strategy was also to depict a racial, socioeconomic cross section of citizens who are willing to defend the country, showing the war doesn’t help only a small group but the whole nation.

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