Other Character Email Red/Red

From Umcom

{Red who is a guy with a red hat,red clothes and a spear sits on his red bed with the Reddy 733. He pulls up an email.}

RED:Red is the best color email!

Dear Red,
With love,
Green from the other side of town.

RED:Well Green, since I got this internets, i've been smarter than you. Which means, red is a smarter color than green. TAKE THAT! With love, Red from the other side of town. Send!

{The email gets sent. Cut to wide shot of red's bedroom. Most everything is red. He jumps off the bed.}



{He turns to the left and goes down stairs. He goes right to the door and opens it. A taller,green clothed guy with spear comes in.}

GREEN:Look at this filthy red house. I think we should declare war! Just like our dad and his brother!


{Cut to the inside of a house that looks almost exactly like Reds place, except blue and with blue disco ball at the top. Some blue flowers are painted on the walls. A blue clothed spear guy with shaggy hair is sitting on his bed reading a letter. The bottom of the screen says "1967".}

BLUE:{Reading} With love, Yellow from the other side of town?!

{He gets out a peice of paper and a pencil and starts writing a letter.}

BLUE:Well Yellow, since I got this mail services, i've been smarter than you. Which means, blue is a smarter color than yellow. TAKE THAT! With love, Blue from the other side of town.

{Blue gets up and goes down stairs and goes outside. Cut to outside. There's a mailbox. He slips the letter in the mailbox and puts the flag up.}


{He walks inside. He goes upstairs and starts reading a magezine called "Blue Lover's Life".}

BLUE:That's a nice shade of blue!


{Blue walks down stairs and opens the door. A yellow clothed spear guy with shaggy hair comes in.}

YELLOW:Look at this filthy blue house. I think we should declare war man! Just like our dad and his brother.


{Cut back to Red and Green in Red's house.}

RED:Well fine then, Green! It's on! But what's the competition?

GREEN:First we'll take a poll. Then we'll see how many people like green or like red. Whoever loses will have to increase its popularity so that in another week we'll take another poll to see if anthing changed. Whoever wins the first poll, which is gonna be me, will have to make sure people don't switch to the other color.


{Cut to Green's bedroom. It's mostly green. The stairs are on the right in Green's house. Red is showing a bar chart of the results while Green sits on his bed, dissapointed.}

RED:So, 62% said red,32% said green, and 4% said both.

GREEN:Crap. I gotta make green more popular!

RED:And I gotta stop you from doing that.

{Cut to Green on top a shabby old house waving a green flag with the words "Green in 2007" on it.}

GREEN:Vote Green in 07'! He promises to get troops out of Iraq by some year!

{Red jumps on the shabby building with a red flag saying "Re-elect Red in 2007"}

RED:Re elect Red in 2007! He promises to ban Yellow from the town!


GREEN:Well, Green promises to kill Yellow!


{Cut to Red sitting on his bed looking dissapointed. The bottom of the screen says "One Week Later" Green is showing Red a flow chart of the results.}

GREEN:Red is 31%, green is 62%, and both is 7%. YOU LOSE!!


{The red paper comes down.}

GREEN:That paper's disgusting looking.

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