Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/Amnesia!

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{We start with Airstar counting money in his computer room.}

AIRSTAR:497, 498, 499....CRAP! Only 499 dollars. 1,999,501 dollars short. I think...

{Oxygenstar comes in.}

OXYGENSTAR:Hey. Got enough money?

AIRSTAR:Nope. Still need 1,999,501 dollars.

OXYGENSTAR:Well, I've sent out a crack team to get your money. Also, i've sent out a team to get your money.

{Airstar's eyes widen.}

OXYGENSTAR:All your friends are helping out. Schoolstar is begging rich people.

{Cut to Schoolstar begging The King Of Town for money in the feild.}

SCHOOLSTAR:Please, money! I need money!! THEY'LL KILL AIRSTAR!

KING OF TOWN:Fine, fine. {He throws 112 dollars at him.}

SCHOOLSTAR:Thank, you very much!

{"1,999,389" appears at the bottom of the screen.}

THE KING OF TOWN:But there's something of yours I want to eat in exchange.

SCHOOLSTAR:{Gulp} Anything?

{Cut to The Chuck in a black suit pointing a gun at Senor Cardgage at The Woild Famous The Cheat Gas Station.}

THE CHUCK:Give me all the money in the register!

SENOR CARDGAGE:Okay, Snellavel.

{He opens up the register and hands him the money.}


{"1,999,300" appears at the bottom of the screen.}

SENOR CARDGAGE:Now i'm gonna call the cops on your keiuttster.

{He presses a button and Homestar and Pom jump into arrest him. Cut to Airstar and Schoolstar (Without a shirt on) counting money in front of Strong Mad who is guarding the jail box.}

AIRSTAR:1,198, 1,199, 1,200! Okay, that's enough for his bail.

{He pays Strong Mad and he lets The Chuck out.}

AIRSTAR:Oh, man.

{"2,000,500" appears at the bottom of the screen.}

AIRSTAR:CRAP! Now we're at the beggining. Actually, we'll need 500 dollars to even get to the beggining. Armed robbery, what were they thinking? Hey, what happened to you?

SCHOOLSTAR:Uhh...well, nothing.

AIRSTAR:Oh, crap. I need to check my email. Hey, uhhh...two Japanese businessmen came over and asked me to attend a rally in Japan. Apparently, an inspirational speaker will be there. Can you go for me? They said they'd pay us 1,200 dollars.


{Cut to a large crowd of Japanese people except Schoolstar cheering at a monkey in a suit at a podium. The crowd is holding up signs that say "Change". See this to understand: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpH9ALMceGs }

MONKEY:Skizeskezingu hachi-nue! Skizeskezinju hachi-nuea! Emobia dew-we, CHANGE-U! Ka-ti, kakuni.

{The crowd cheers.}

SCHOOLSTAR:Yeah....I should leave.

{Cut to Airstar at his CloudSon.}

AIRSTAR:And comin' in at number 67, it's....EMAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL!

Hey Airstar,
Can you get Darknight to stop following me and calling me?
She/he won't shut up about me helping out with an evil plot once.
I don't even remeber helping her!
From Superdude

AIRSTAR:Really? You don't? Because I distinctly remember that you were the leader of The Superdude Mafia that attempted kill me in email 50!

{Cut to Superdude in a crappy apartment, in the fetal position on an old bed, with a disgusting refrigerator and dirty cat to his right with his window blinds shut. There's a telephone right next to him.}

SUPERDUDE:Good thing I changed my number.

{The phone rings. He picks it up.}


DARKNIGHT:Man, why are you acting so weird? You need to help us!

SUPERDUDE:How'd you get this number? AHHH!

{He hangs up. Rod Serling comes in.}

ROD SERLING:Superdude, age 39. He has am-

{Superdude comes up to Rod.}



{He leaves. Cut to the LOAH HQ.}

DARKNIGHT:Superdude has been acting strange, lately. Ever since that blow to the head yesterday. I think he has, Amnesia!

{Everybody gasps.}

STRONG BAD:But that blow to the head was minor!

{Cut to Superdude in the feild. A plane runs into him.}


{Cut back to the HQ.}

STRONG BAD:On second thought, that was pretty brutal.

DARKNIGHT:Yes it was. We need to kidnap him and take him to a doctor.


DARKNIGHT:True. Gitmo, you go. And uhhh...

EVIL HOMSAR:Ooh! Me! Please?

TAKS TEST:Me! I'm good at kidnapping student's dignity even though I don't measure intelligence in the slightest!

BUBS:Me! I could body-slam the police, or anyone suspicious.

DARKNIGHT:Gonna have to go with Bubs!


{Cut to Bubs and Gitmo outside apartment "509090" with black suits on.}

BUBS:Alright, Gitmo. We gotta get Superdude out of this amnesia thing. So let's bust a move! Or, door.


{Bubs takes out tree trunk and breaks the door down. They come inside to see nobody in there and the window open.}

BUBS:Crap! He probably got away.

GITMO:That sucks. Let me see what delicous American drinks are in his fridge.

{He opens his fridge to see Superdude crammed in there.}



{Bubs tackles him and puts pills in his mouth. He falls to sleep.}

BUBS:Alright, let's get him to LOAH.

GITMO:Alright then, Bubs.

BUBS:By the way, what do you have against Airstar?

GITMO:Darknight told me BAAD things in Guantanamo.

BUBS:Like what?

GITMO:Like the fact that he's an AMERICAN INFIDEL!!

{Cut to LOAH. Bubs and Gitmo slide down the tube into the room with Superdude. They tie him to the chair as he regains conchesnese.}


DARKNIGHT:I SAY THAT! Good work, Bubs and Gitmo. You two work well together.

BUBS:Thanks. We would've gotten back sooner, if Gitmo hadn't kept sliding out of the stronghold of his seatbelt.

GITMO:Hey, it's not my fault that i'm 12 inches tall!

BUBS:Anyway, so he's about to wake back up.

SUPERDUDE:Ugghh...uhhhh...what? Hey! It's an Evil Girl, Basketball Player, Mexican Wrestleman, Evil versions of Anime people, Dumb athletes, and dumber non-atheletes, a "No Child Left Behind" test, a Watery Wrestleman, a watery Cheat, an Evil Spirit, a Chinese guy, a crazy lady, a puppet terrorist, a goatee Airstar and a blue-faced man.

BUBS:Hey! We prefer Bluefrican American.

{Bubs rips off his shirt to reveal a white shirt that says "NAABP"}

SUPERDUDE:Sorry. Anyway, you gotta stop calling me and following me around, because I never helped you with anything ever!

STRONG BAD:We gott have something that'll jog his memory. Hmm...I know! I'll go to Hammacker Shlammackers, you know, where I get my costumes, and i'll get in an Airstar costume and beat Superdude up!

BUBS:Sounds good.

EVIL GHOST:I like it.


HU JIANTO:It's not raughable.

STRONG BAD:You're a genius, Strong Bad!

{Cut to Strong Bad at the front desk at a costume shop, where Senor Cardgage is clerk.}

STRONG BAD:Yes, i'd like an Airstar mask.

SENOR CARDGAGE:Let us took leek at what costplays you will be masking on.

{He holds up a Nixon mask.}


{Holds up Bill Clinton mask.}


{Holds up King Of Town mask.}


{Holds up Bush mask.}

SENOR CARDGAGE:Defilutely nont.

{Holds up Hillary mask.}


{Holds up Obama mask.}


{Holds up Airstar mask.}

SENOR CARDGAGE:Now that's the stuff!

{He hands it to Strong Bad.}


{Cut to LOAH. Strong Bad is in an Airstar costume kicking Superdude on the ground.}


STRONG BAD:Remember me? HUH?!


STRONG BAD:You have to remember! My good sir, I beg of thee, shut up, and we're not going to pay the money.

{Close up on Superdude's face, as he realizes something.}

STRONG BAD'S ECHO VOICE:My good sir, I beg of thee, shut up, and we're not going to pay the money. My good sir, I beg of thee, shut up, and we're not going to pay the money. My good sir, I beg of thee, shut up, and we're not going to pay the money. My good sir, I beg of thee, shut up, and we're not going to pay the money.

{Zoom out to see that Strong Bad keeps repeating that.}

STRONG BAD:My good sir, I beg of thee, shut up, and we're not going to pay the money. My good sir, I beg of thee, shut up, and we're not going to pay the money. My good sir, I beg of thee, shut up, and we're not going to pay the money.

SUPERDUDE:Shut up! I remember that jerk Airstar!


GITMO:Now that you remember, we have other problems. Aren't we going to give him a deadline for this money thing?

DARKNIGHT:Not yet, Gitmo. Not. Yet.

{Cut to Airstar counting money in his computer room with Schoolstar and The Chuck nearby.}

AIRSTAR:1,198, 1,199, 1,200.

{1,999,300" appears at the bottom of the screen.}

AIRSTAR:You heard the bottom of the screen. We need 1,999,300 dollars to get to 2 million. Crap-ola.

SCHOOLSTAR:At least we still have each other!

{Airstar and The Chuck look at him. Then they both leave the room.}

SCHOOLSTAR:I hate you guys.

{The paper comes down.}

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