Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/The Chuck

From Umcom

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{We see Airstar in the hole from last email. Darktower is working on his bomb. Airstar gets out a laptop and sits at a desk nearby.}

AIRSTAR:My temporary computer is the "Holy Sky 456" Let's check email!

AIRSTAR:Well weirdon,um,the real question is:"How much wood could The Chuck chuck if The Chuck had access to wood?" and the answer to that is.....well,it's unanswerable. Unless The Chuck did have access to wood. Witch I doubt.

DARKTOWER:{Offscreen}Hey man! Um,The Chuck got realeased from his cell,cause he's not a clone of 1-Up or anything.

AIRSTAR:Crap. What is he doing right now?!

{Cut to The Chuck in the blimp.}


{A plane crashes into the blimp. Out comes:The Cheat in a madman costume.}

THE CHEAT:The Chuck! Cheat clone! I can talk when i'm evil!

{The Cheat grabs The Chuck and puts him inside the plan and flys to another HUGE blimp with The Cheat's picture on it.}

{Cut to inside the blimp. The Cheat puts The Chuck in a jail cell.}

THE CHUCK:Meh.....

THE CHAV:{Offscreen}Meh! Meh!

{Cut back to the hole.}

AIRSTAR:Wait a minute...why am I in a hole?! I'm Airstar Flyer! To a battle plane!

{Cut to inside a plane}


DARKTOWER:Were goin' to battle some...{Holds up a piece of scratch paper}....Cheats?

AIRSTAR:I don't have a GameCube!

DARKTOWER:{Puts paper down}No,like,The Cheats!

AIRSTAR:So...no GameCube? Or Xbox? Xbox 360? Anything?!


AIRSTAR:Aw man! So I guess we'll battle these..."Cheats"



{Cut to MikeControl in a white place}

MIKECONTROL:Ahem,i'm just stalling till' Ekul realeses his Eth comic. I mean 204th. Cause i'm crossing over with his comics. Now for more stalling!

{Cut back to the plane}

AIRSTAR:Let us watch TV first.

{Airstar turns on a TV. A commercial pops up. Close up on the TV. It's a black screen.}

OVERVOICE:{On TV}Almost 1 year ago....{Scene cuts to Homsar talking with Trevor. Homsar has a Gibberish-English headset on.}

HOMSAR:Hmm..."The Jlammy Experience"


{Cut back to black screen.}

OVERVOICE:Homsar and trevor made a game about Stinkoman deafeting the evil Jrammy!

DIRECTOR:{Offscreen}It's Jlammy!

OVERVOICE:Whatever. And now...{A couple of flashes of Stinkoman levels go up}it's time...{More Stinkoman flashes}to...{Even more Stinko-game flashes}make...{Stinko-flashes}JLAMMY EXPERIENCE 2:ELECTRIC BOOGALOO!

{We cut to Stinkoman}

STINKOMAN:Coming July 21st 2006! In your time that is...

{1-Up comes onscreen}

I-UP:Buy it tommorow! Er,today! And eat pudding! No,buy it yesterday! No....BUY IT SOMETIME OK?!


VOICE:Jlammy experience 2...may cause seizures...and stuff.


VOICE:Yeah, shut up.

{The commercial ends and the paper comes down.}

[edit] Fun Facts

The email is an old tounge twister.

Gamecube, XBox, XBox 360, are all gaming consoles. "Cheats" are secrets you can use to get stuff faster.

MikeControl mentions Ekul and the crossover.

The commercial is a refrence to Homsar's blog.

Electric Boogaloo is from TGS issue 10.

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