Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/Oh, that Zachery!

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(Created page with '''{We starts with Schoolstar at the Cloudson. He clicks on the email icon.}'' '''SCHOOLSTAR''':Emails to the top! Nothing's gonna stop! Us! <blockquote class="cloudson2">Dear S…')

Current revision as of 22:39, 29 May 2011

{We starts with Schoolstar at the Cloudson. He clicks on the email icon.}

SCHOOLSTAR:Emails to the top! Nothing's gonna stop! Us!

Dear Schoolstar!!!
Can you believe it?! The ones against Airstar were lying! He's alive! He's battered and beaten, but he's alive! Go! NOW!
Zachery W.

SCHOOLSTAR:Oh, that Zachery!

{A sitcom audience laughs.}

SCHOOLSTAR:I know that Airstar's alive! Didn't you read/watch "Three Years"? Come on. Anyway, we should look for him...I mean, you people can't tolerate me forever. Right?

{Cut to you on the computer reading.}

YOU:Well, duh.

{Cut back to Schoolstar.}

SCHOOLSTAR:I should tell the others that we're going on an adventure to find Airstar!

{Cut to Homsar44withpie talking to The Chuck in Airstar's room.}

HOMSAR44WITHPIE:You see, I hate all races! Even my own!

{Schoolstar comes in.}

SCHOOLSTAR:Hey Homsar44, hey The Squck!

{The Chuck scowls.}

SCHOOLSTAR:We're going to try to find Airstar! Woah, this is his room.

THE CHUCK:Yeah, and his fish died.

{Pan to goldfish floating upside down in an aquarium pan back to Schoolstar.}

SCHOOLSTAR:Oh. Well...hrmm...let's go ask around FCUSA, gang!

{Cut to the three talking to Homestar out in the field.}

HOMESTAR:The last time I saw him? It was when he was a guest on "The Show".

SCHOOLSTAR:The Show? Interesting. Let's go.

{Cut to the gang talking to Strong Bad in his computer room.}

STRONG BAD:The last time I saw Airstar? Hmmm...when I saw him when he still owed LOAH money but he didn't have it.



{Cut to the gang talking to Bubs.}

BUBS:The last time I saw that jerk Airstar was...when I was a guest on that Review Revue thing that he hosted.


{Cut to Strong Sad in the shower.}

STRONG SAD:{High voice} HEY BABY, HEY BABY, HEY! Girls say, girls say! HEY BABY, HEY BABY, HEY! Boys say, boys say! HEY BABY, HEY BABY, HEY! All the boys get the the girls i-

{Schoolstar, The Chuck and Homsar44withpie pop up, their clothes soaked.}


STRONG SAD:AHHH! C'mon, that was the one time I was happy in three weeks.

SCHOOLSTAR:Cool. When was the last time you saw Airstar?

STRONG SAD:When he was my Co-Host on The Review Revue.

SCHOOLSTAR:That's interesting...hmmm...HMmMmMmmMmMmMmmMmMmMmmmmMm-

STRONG SAD:Now get out of my shower!

{They leave. Cut to Schoolstar and the rest in the computer room.}

SCHOOLSTAR:We've find out nothing. Nothing!

{CowPuncher comes in.}

COWPUNCHER:You haven't asked me yet!

SCHOOLSTAR:Who the crap are you?

COWPUNCHER:I'm CowPuncher! The best guy!

SCHOOLSTAR:Your parents named you after a HRFWIKI fad?

COWPUNCHER:Well, my name was originally going to be Jibney4WIMP'D, then Contesro and Sugar, then Bacon Bananas, and then EekTacos, and then Jlammy High, and then The Legion of Karls, and Metro-Squeaky, and then MarshiemanYouHaveNewMessages, and then we finally settled on CowPuncher.

SCHOOLSTAR:Alright, Conformo. Anyway, when did you see Airstar last?


SCHOOLSTAR:Get outta here.


{He leaves.}

SCHOOLSTAR:Ma-an, that guy was off his rocker. Now for more invesigative type stuff.

{Cut to Schoolstar and the other two in Coach Z's Locker room talking to Coach Z.}

THE CHUCK:Coach, do you have any leads?

COACH Z:Well, yees, orctually. This {Holds up blue cloth.} came out of my terlet!

THE CHUCK:Your toilet, meh? I'm goin' in!

{The Chuck walks into the bathroom and gets into the toilet. The other two run over there.}

SCHOOLSTAR:What are you doing?

THE CHUCK:I'm going to investigate! But first, I have to find a way to fit down here...I mean, if I was only a little bit smaller...I know! Yet another abomination against god!

{Cut to The Chuck talking to Strong Sad.}

THE CHUCK:Strong Sad, do you have something that I will be able to stretch my self with?

STRONG SAD:Yes. It's called: Strong Sad's Goode Time Stretching Ointment. {He holds up a tube.} Rub it all over your body to stretch it around like it's 1939.


{Cut back to The Chuck on the toilet with the other three watching including Coach Z.}

THE CHUCK:Here I go, once again, on my own!

{He rubs the ointment on himself, and starts sinking into the toilet.}

COACH Z:It's woikin'!

{The Chuck dissapears into the toilet. Cut to him going down a tube at really fast speeds.}

THE CHUCK:Meh...this smells like...sh, shi, shi, MEH! I wish I could say it. Curse you, Fanstuff Guidlines!

{A goldfish lands on The Chuck's head.}

THE CHUCK:What the?

GOLDFISH:I'm Airstar's goldfish. Schoolstar flushed me, but I wasn't dead.

THE CHUCK:Aren't you named Purge?

PURGE:Yes, and when I die, I will be the sign of death that will replace the Grim Reaper.

THE CHUCK:How very appropriate.

{The Chuck gets dumped out of the tube into the ocean.}

THE CHUCK:Good thing I have gills!

{He reveals his gills. He swims around and finds an eel.}

THE CHUCK:I hate eels for some reason!


{The eel tries to come near Purge, but The Chuck gets him in his arm.}

THE CHUCK:Woah! Woah! Calm down, eel.

EEL:Look, my name is Lance.

{Cram swims up.}

CRAM:And i'm Cram, stupid!

{Homsar44withpie swims up to.}

HOMSAR44WITHPIE:And i'm Homsar44withpie/Jeff! HAJAF!


{Cut to MikeControl showing a picture of this scene to shareholders in an office.}

MIKECONTROL:You see, the extremely obscure joke here is, these three characters, Lance the eel, Homsar44withpie and Cram all represent three of my friends, Lance, Jeff and Mark.


{Cut back to The Chuck, Purge, Lance the eel, Cram and Homsar44withpie.}

THE CHUCK:Get out, Cram and Homsar44withpie!

[They both swim away.}

THE CHUCK:Eel, where's the nearest underwater room where stuff is happening?

LANCE:Uh...there's the underwater Blubb-O's over there.

{Pan to an underwater Blubb-O's. Pan back to the three.}

LANCE:Besides that I can't think of anything. How about I have super powers, and you hit me in the face and I don't feel anything?


LANCE:I'm invincible.

THE CHUCK:That's cool. I guess...well I guess you don't know where he's being held. Perhaps Airstar's Carpenter knows...wait a minute...what if he's in the Underwater Blubb-O's?

{Cut to the inside of the Underwater Blubb-O's. All it has is table and chairs, with scuba divers and sea creatures eating food. A green, fish-like Homestar sits behind the counter.}

FISH HOMESTAR:Hello, welcome to the underwater Blubb-O's, would you like to try our hand-chopped yous?

THE CHUCK:Well, I guess he's not in here.


LANCE:I'd like the Ten-Peice Potato Nudules, a drum set, an iPod and GTA4.

FISH HOMESTAR:No problem. Except the Drum set, iPod and GTA4 thing. That's a problem.

THE CHUCK:I'd like the Cheat's Meal with the Lolipop toy and "Our Attempt At Competing With National Coffee Chain" Premium Moca Chip Meltshake.

PURGE:I'd like The Combo Meal.

{He hands Lance his 10-Peice Potato Nudules. He hands The Chuck his Cheat's Meal and OAACWNCCPMC Meltshake. He hands Purge his combo meal.}

PURGE:Hmm...this will work for 3 1/2 years, but then you gotta start over!

{Cut to Coach Z's bathroom. Schoolstar, Homsar44withpie and Coach Z are waiting. The Chuck, Lance and Purge come out of the toilet.}

SCHOOLSTAR:Oh, hey The Chuck! Who are they?

THE CHUCK:A couple of friends I met down there. This is Lance, and this is Purge.

SCHOOLSTAR:Woah, Purge is alive? I thought he was dead when I flushed him. So, any luck?



LANCE:Hey, green guy!

COACH Z:Hey, i'm Coarch Z.

LANCE:I bet that guy has alot of money and chicks!

SCHOOLSTAR:{Puts his invisible hand to his face.} Oh, brother.

{The sitcom audience laughs again, and the paper comes down.}

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