Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/Origins

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SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 2006

AIRSTAR:Email theme song...1,2,3, a-da-da-da-da-email with me! AF yall'!

{He brings up an email}

Dear Airstar Flyer, Where did you meet The Chuck? How does he speak english. Why doesnt that lollipop expire? Your biggest fan, The Noid

AIRSTAR:You heartless, pizza stealing monster! Anyway...how did i meet The Chuck? Well...it was the summer of 1983 when i was 7....

{We go to a flashback where you see Airstar's father, Oxygenstar Flyer, and Airstar's mother, Breathstar Flyer. They both are white and where white clothes, and little Airstar is right next to Oxygenstar. There in the blimp}

LIL' AIRSTAR:Daddy, i want a pet.


{Airstar jumps out of the blimp}


{Cut to Airstar falling down. He lands on ground}

{The Chuck comes onscreen.}

LIL'AIRSTAR:Wah! Who are you?

LIL'THE CHUCK:I don't have a name. Name me!

LIL' AIRSTAR:Um, The......Chuck? Yeah, The Chuck.

LIL' THE CHUCK:Yay! I'm the Chuck and i like lolipops.

LIL'AIRSTAR:Do you wanna come in my blimp?


AIRSTAR:{Overvoice} i also met li'l Strong Bad.

{Li'l Strong Bad comes in.}

LI'L STRONG BAD:Hey you losers! Wanna go throw eggs at Homestar?

LI'L AIRSTAR:You know what I heard he hates more than eggs? Marshmallows.

LI'L STRONG BAD:Of course! He'll hate those! See ya!

{He runs off. They both start giggling.}

{They walk off}

LIL' THE CHUCK:{Offscreen} What's a blimp.......?

{Cut back to Airstar and the Skypy}

AIRSTAR:{Typing} That's how we met. Yep. Now, The Chuck will explain how he can talk...The Chuck?

{We cut to the Chuck}

THE CHUCK:Well, in 1974, they were studying a "Lolipop species" The Cheat. I could fit in a pocket back then! Anyway...they found out that my tounge wasn't like a regular The Cheat's tounge. A regular the Cheat's tounge was connected to the bottom and the top of that The Cheat's mouth, rendering it unable to speak normally. Mine was like a normal human's tounge! Well, there you go, and also, i have more lolipops then just one! So that's why it doesn't expire. Bye!

{2008 Airstar warps in.}

2008 AIRSTAR:Hey.


{2006 Airstar walks in.}

2006 AIRSTAR:Are you from the future tryin' to ruin my email show? Because it's not cool.

2008 AIRSTAR:I'm from email 56 trying to prove to my viewers that I built things like the time machine.

THE CHUCK:Well, 2008 sucks! 2006 rocks harder!

2008 AIRSTAR:You're insulting a year?

2006 AIRSTAR:Yes.

2008 AIRSTAR:Whatever. I gotta go.

{2008 Airstar warps away.}

THE CHUCK:2008's mom is fat.

{The paper comes down.}

Fun Facts

Airstar's email song was ripped from a SBemail.

The Noid use to be an advertising mascot for Pizza Hut that tried to ruin pizza's freshness.

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