Bubs' Blog

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The NEWER Bubs' Blog! By: User:MikeControl/sig His Old Blog

Under new managment!


Entry 25: Guilt? What guilt?

Time: 11:07
Date: Thursday, July 17, 2008
Current Mood: Not guilty
Listening to: Nothing, fool!

Hey, guys. I'm back. I know it's been almost a month, but i've been busy. So anyway, I dealt with my guilt like a normal, well educated person would. I went to a bar! So, now my guilt's more of a goner than a gopher. And that gopher I ran over. How many Os are in this entry so far? Seventeen. Anyway, to day I plan to go scuba-divin'. It'll be fun! I'm goin' with Coach Z and Strong Bad. I know something disastrous won't happen because of this! Bye.

Entry 24: Dolph Hauldhagen 1970-2008

Time: 12:15 PM
Date: Saturday, June 21, 2008
Current Mood: Saddened
Listening to: Funeral Music by Taranchula

Yo, guys. Today I went to Dolph's funeral. I dressed in a black suit, and they came with the coffin. The coffin contained nothing, since they couldn't find a body. But he's being replaced by Daulph Haulhagen the 2nd. So The Cleric got up there and talked away. Here's a quote from him: "Today, we are here to mourn the tragic loss of Daulph Hauldhagen, "the Instruc-tor". I barely knew Dolph, but I don't mind telling his closest friends and family all about him. He was born on June 14, 1970. At age 10 in 1980 he first grew an interest in Battle-Axes. His dad got his first Battle-Axe in 1981, and he played with his friends all the time using that thing and swinging it. I remember preaching at one of his friend's funerals. He loved that Battle-Axe. In 1988, he went to CGNU to practice his Battle-Axeing, and got a Major in Battle-Axeing and a minor in Scandanavian-American studies. He graduated from college in 1992. In 1993 he got enough money to create a Gym. He founded Monty Gym. He worked there teaching people the arts of Battle-Axeing, for 15 years. But then, on June 15, 2008, he went missing. And his murderer barely beat the rap for it." I got really ticked at what he said, so I yelled out, "I DIDN'T DO IT YOU BUM!" And everybody looked at me. Then he continued speaking. "His legacy to FCUSA will be remembered forever, and in honor of his memory, I am renaming King Gerald Park, Daulph Hauldhagen Park!" Everyone cheered and cheered. I did too. Just to not seem suspicious. He continued, "And the room in which he trained people in Monty Gym will be closed forever, and a portrait of him will be placed on the wall in there. He was only 38. His son will take his place and train people in a different gym area. We will remember him, forever. Thank you." So then we went up to the empty coffin and I saw a bunch of his pictures. Ma-an. I almost feel guilty. The guilt. THE GUILT! THE GUILT HIS KILLING ME!!! YUDYGCTYGHJHGGUYGUTFGJHFU Sorry. That was me banging my head on the keyboard. Sigh. I'll see ya guys later.

Entry 23: Court and stuff

Time: 12:49 PM
Date: Friday, June 20, 2008
Current Mood: Relieved
Listening to: "The Shadow of today"

Hey, guys. My court date on the 18th was brutal, man. Homestar was the judge, and they presented evidence like, the blood found on the Gym Mat, and his finger. Fortunately, the video camera at the gym was broken. And there were no witnesses. So, I won. Without a body they couldn't do anything. Heh heh. Oh, and that body in the trunk of my car is decomposing. It smells. So I got let free, and now i'm workin' the stand again. Homestar came on over and ordered some soda, and I opened the soda, just to see it explode in his face. It was awesome. So he ran away. I can't describe how awesome it was. Anyway, i'm goin' to Dolph's funeral tommorow. Don't wanna seem suspicious. See ya.

Entry 22: Interragation

Time: 10:33 PM
Date: Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Current Mood: Even more nervous
Listening to: The fizzing sound of the light in your face

Uhh...hey. Yesterday Homestar and Pom-Pom took me to the FCUSA police Department for questioning. They shined that light in my face. That was a-nnoying. Anyway, so they started asking me questions about the mysterious dissapearance of Daulph Haulhagen. And I told them that I went to his Gym for my session and then I left, and never saw him again. They didn't buy it. I was scared. Vera scared. They asked me question after question and I shot back with answers like "No" "Yes" "I dunno" and "Nyesunno". Anyway they didn't really get much outta me. You know with fifth amendment and all. The right to silence. He just locked me up until court tommorow. Great. So i'm in here with my computer talking to Senor Cardgage. Shor post, but I only get a short post in jail. Sees ya.

Entry 21: Poisonal Trainer

Time: 2:36 PM
Date: Monday, June 16, 2008
Current Mood: Nervous
Listening to: "Getting away with murder"

Hey once agains, ya'lls. It's me Bubs, and The Brothers Strong moved back to FCUSA on Sunday after they found out that Pantsburg had to much crime. I heard Strong Bad got mugged on the street on a baby sitting gig. Anyway, my personal trainer was, you guessed it, Not Coach Z. It was Daulph Hauldhagen, the Instruc-TOR. He gave me a battle-axe and I was like, WTPF? But he told me to use it. So I tripped and, uhh...he's um..."napping" in the trunk of my car right now. Uh...he's f-fine. Alive and fine. Breathing. Not dead. Alive. Yeah. Usually when people talk like this they're hiding something but that's not the case here. Anyway, today Strong Sad told me there'd be casserole in Strong Bad's basement but instead we saw some slideshow of hs vacation to Depressio Beach, and then saw him sunburnt. It was H-larious. After that I went back to the concession stand to sell my usual crap! Coach Z came by and we talked about the weather. Which was just the same as usual. Nearly clear skies with bushes in the background. Then, somethin' happened. Marzipan drove her Hybrid she bought when Homestar won the Mills Bils two years ago right into the King of Town's castle. She was protestin'....something. Uh...what? Hold on, there seems to be Officer Homestar and Pom-Pom at the Concession Stand. I'll update ya tommorow.

Entry 20: Spyin'

Time: 1:09 PM
Date: Sunday, June 15, 2008
Current Mood: Out of shape
Listening to: "Dancing in The Desert"

Hey, guys. Yesterday I went to Strong Bad's new house in Pantsburg and spyed on em'. I think Strong Mad ate somebody, but anyway, they were just movin' furniture, and all that. I saw The Cheat breaking his New Year's Resolution and he light one up when nobody was lookin' except me. God, I hope they don't read my blog. When I got back, I just kinda hung out at the concession stand. Did all the many jobs I have, especially policeman. Homsar has been bugging me lately. Gods I hate that guy so much, no wonder I have a shotgun when he comes. How can Strong Sad stand that guy? Earlier today me and Coach Z went down to Buffaloo Creak Wilderness Ivy Park to have a run, but that wore me out after the first half-mile. I really need to get in shape, so I got a membership at Monty Gym. And a personal trainer. So i'll tell ya how that went tommorow. Until then, come down to the Concession Stand!

Entry 19: Double Date

Time: 10:59 AM
Date: Saturday, June 14, 2008
Current Mood: Awkward
Listening to: Indiana Jones theme

Hey again, guys. It's me Bubs. The double date turned into a triple date because The King and Brunswick stew came along with Homestar and Marzipan. I ordered the Marshmallow-filled Steak, and Lady Quackingstick ordered the "Usual" and for some reason, the waiter called her Strong Bad. Homestar ordered the ham and mrashmallow sandwhich, while Marzipan ordered the Marshmallow salad. KOT ordered the Mrashmallow-stuffing turkey, he ordered it seven times. Then Brunswick Stew ordered Brunswick Stew. She needed to be refilled after the King of Town ate her. I can't believe they've been married since 1958. I was born in 1958. Anyway, so that dinner was awkward. I didn't have anything to talk about. It was like trying to start a conversation with a hotdog. But then Homestar broke the ice and blurted out "THIS SANDWHICH HAS SALMONELLA!" everyone there stared at him. So, everyone went home and Homestar is on the couch right now. He'll be out of commission for a little bit. Meanwhile, i'm gonna head down to Pantsburg to see how things are going there with The Brothers Strong. Tell ya 'bout it later!

Entry 18: I'm back again!

Time: 1:20 AM
Date: Saturday, June 14, 2008
Current Mood: Dissapointed, yet excited
Listening to: Creepy Song

Hey, guys. I'm back. I know I haven't updated for a year, but i'm gonna get back on track, back on the rails of the trainway. Dawg. I can be cool. Today I was helping The Brothers Strong move evrything into their moving truck.. Apparently they're moving to Pantsburg. Man! Those guys. But don't worry about Bubs! I'm gonna set up a store in Pantsburg. It's gonna be better than you! Another thing that happened, is that me and Coach Z were talking about my girlfriend, and he said that Lady Quackingstick was just a duck on a stick being controlled by Strong Bad. But I say that's bald bull! That bull needs some Bosley! Speakin' of Lady Quackingstick, I have a double date at Marshmallow's L'est Stand with Myself, Lady Quackingstick, Homestar and Marzipan. The KOT and Brunswick stew may be there too! I'll tell you how it went tommorow!

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