Ultimate Spider-Man 3

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Ultimate Spider-Man #3 (Brian Michael Bendis, Mark Bagley)

• Peter, MJ, Kong, and Flash are present for a wrestling event where a wrestler named Crusher Hogan is accepting challengers from the audience. The prize money for defeating him is $500. Kong attempt to accept the challenge but is informed that challengers must be 21 years old.

• Peter creates a temporary costume out of sweats and a mask and challenges Crusher on a subsequent night. Peter easily defeats Crusher and collects the reward money. The ring announcer offers him more work on Monday night, to which Peter accepts. Peter donates the prize money anonymously to his aunt and uncle with a note saying that it is a collection taken up from the school faculty to help the Parkers pay Flash’s medical bill.

• The next day, Peter is asked by the coach of the basketball team to join the team since they are short a player following Flash’s injury (Ultimate Spider-Man 2). Peter accepts and leads the team to a crushing victory in their next game.

• MJ asks Peter if he wants to work on a Geometry assignment the following Monday, he declines as he has another wrestling match to attend. On that night, after defeating Crusher again, he is given a stage name of Spider-Man. The manager of the wrestling promotion also provides Peter with a costume to wear in the ring. It looks like the standard Spider-Man outfit minus the spider logo and webs.

• Harry visits his father at Osborn industries and finds him in the middle of the new OZ experiment. Harry is escorted from the lab by his father’s assistant just as the experiment begins.


- The initial wrestling event where Kong attempts to challenge Crusher Hogan is for the UCW league. A poster indicates that the event is “Spankdown” which airs on Tuesdays at 8pm. Since the ring announcer offers Peter more work on the following Monday, it can be assumed that a 6 days pass between the time that Crusher Hogan is first revealed and the second time that Peter wrestles him.

- The ring announcer says “Who are you, masked mystery man?! Unveil yourself to the crowd!” after Peter defeats Crusher Hogan for the first time. This phrase is repeated several times by the Scorpion/Peter Parker clone in Ultimate Spider Man 97.

- The score shown for the basketball game that Peter plays in is 114-26. It can be assumed that this game probably took place on a Thursday or Friday as is customary with most schools. If this is true, then about 2-3 days pass between Peter being asked to play, and the game taking place.

- When announcing Peter as the winner of the wrestling match, the announcer calls him both the Amazing Spider-Man and the Spectacular Spider-Man.

- Otto Octavius can be seen in the OZ experiment wearing his mechanical arm harness. The subsequent explosion in this experiment fuses the arms to his body and changes his genetic structure.

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