Ultimate Spider-Man Timeline

From Ultimarvel

Revision as of 21:05, 22 June 2007 by (Talk)

Beginning (+0 days)

Norman Osborn is shown to be working on the OZ formula. Peter Parker is harassed at the mall by Kong and Flash. (USM1)

1 day later (+1 day)

Peter and Harry work on Biology homework. Peters reveal molecular adhesive formula that his dad was working on to Harry. (USM1)

1 day later (+2 days)

Peter’s science class tours OsCorp. Peter is bit by the OZ test spider. (USM1)

1 day later (+3 days)

Peter flips Kong in the hallway, manifesting his spider-sense, enhanced strength, and agility. Peter’s blood sample is stolen from the hospital by Shaw. (USM1)

1 day later (+4 days)

Shaw attempts to run Peter over with a SUV. Peter manifests his wall crawling abilities. (USM1)

1 day later (+5 days)

Peter breaks a desk in class, he later that day fights Flash in the school parking lot and breaks Flash’s hand. (USM2)

1 day later (+6 days)

Peter and Harry visit Osborn Industries. Peter meets Otto Octavius who forcibly takes a blood sample from Peter. Norman Osborn proposes OZ testing on himself. (USM2)

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