Ultimate X-Men 26

From Ultimarvel

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[edit] Ultimate X-Men #26 (Mark Millar, Ben Lai and Ray Lai)

• The Brotherhood of Mutants prepares a new headquarters at the Arctic Circle.


- Flashbacks show the following events and designate the time periods they occurred in:

8 years ago Xavier left his wife Moira and child David in Scotland to pursue academic interests with Erik Lensherr.

7 years ago, they encounter and rescue 16 year-old Ricky Gibson (Detonator) from dangerous locals in San Antonio.

6 years ago, they conduct an interview for their Brotherhood of Mutants facility in San Francisco.

5 years ago, they set up the Savage Land sanctuary which is located 700 miles from Australia, 7000 miles from the nearest coast of the United States.

4 years ago, Erik Lensherr has taken the name Magneto and he and Xavier are having arguments over the purpose of the Savage Land facility. Xavier sees it as a university and Magneto is building an army.

5 months after this event, Magneto develops his helmet to keep Xavier out of his mind.

3 years ago, Xavier and a group of supporters attack Magneto and attempt to flee the Savage Land. Magneto paralyzes Xavier during the escape with a large metal rod.

1 week after this, Magneto declares war on humans.

2 weeks after this in New York, Xavier is informed that he is paralyzed in a hospital.

3 weeks after this Detonator attacks the Pentagon.

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