Ultimate Spider-Man 12
From Ultimarvel
"Battle Royal"
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Pencils: Mark Bagley
Inker: Art Thibert
Editor: Ralph Macchio
Publication Date: October 2001
• Spider-Man fights the Enforcers and Electro simultaneously. He defeats both, disabling Electro by knocking him into a busted water main which shocks him into unconsciousness. Peter advises the Enforcers to turn themselves in and confess. He then goes to leave the building with the security discs and is met by Wilson Fisk. Fisk demands to know who hired Spider-Man. Peter responds by insulting Fisk until he snaps and charges him. Peter moves out of the way and webs Fisk to the wall. He then webs Fisk’s eyes shut and disappears, while Fisk shouts out death threats.
• At home, Peter reviews the data contained on the security discs and finds the footage of him being unmasked. He destroys this disc. He then finds the footage of Fisk murdering Frederick Foswell with his bare hands.
• The next day, Peter delivers the disc anonymously to Ben Urich at the Daily Bugle, who uses the information to write an article on the Kingpin’s actions. Wilson Fisk is forced to flee the country. He is told by his lawyer that he will need some time to straighten the situation out.
• Peter calls Mary Jane and tells her that he has something important to tell her the next day after school and asks her to come over then.
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