Ultimate Spider-Man 2

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Ultimate Spider-Man #2 (Brian Michael Bendis, Mark Bagley)

"Growing Pains"

• During class, Peter has a spasm and breaks the desk he is sitting at in half. While in the bathroom, Peter notices in the mirror that his physique is changing and his bicep muscles have increased. Later that day in gym, MJ is being harassed by Flash. Peter hits Flash in the face with a basketball with stunning accuracy. This leads Flash to threaten to beat Peter up after school.

• Flash attacks Peter in the parking lot, Peter deftly avoids all of his punches and then catches a punch. The impact breaks Flash’s hand. Flash goes to the ER for this injury. Kong visits Harry and tells him the story of what happened. Norman Osborn overhears this conversation and tells Harry to bring by the Osborn labs the next day to make the accident up to him.

• Flash’s parents contact the Parker’s and demand that they pay for Flash’s medical bill of $2500. They threaten to sue if the Parkers do not pay. This is a point of stress since the Parkers do not have much money.

• Later that night, Peter wakes up and sneaks out to an abandoned warehouse where he experiments with his newfound powers. He realizes that he is strong enough to lift a car.

• The next day, Peter and Harry visit Osborn Industries. Harry introduces Peter to Otto Octavius, a scientist who is working for Norman. Otto mentions Peter’s accident and goes on to tell him of the blood work he is working on. He asks to take a sample of Peter’s blood to demonstrate to which Peter declines. Otto takes the sample anyway, causing Peter to think he was being ambushed. Peter flees the building.

• Otto informs Norman that he has determined from Peter’s blood sample that the dehabilitating effects of the OZ formula have ceased and reversed themselves, making Peter physically superior to his previous self. Otto asks to perform more tests on Peter to which Norman declines.

• Norman reports the findings on Peter’s blood to the board of Osborn industries and proposes that they attempt the OZ experiment on a human subject. Norman says he wishes to treat his own DNA with the OZ formula and inject it into himself.


- Peter’s history teacher is a parody of Ben Stein’s character in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

- Peter experiences pain in his wrists after lifting the car in the warehouse, this seems to foreshadow that he will develop organic web shooters.

- It is noted by Aunt May that Peter is no longer wearing his glasses.

- Harry jokingly calls Otto Octavius “Doc Ock”.

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