25 December 1937

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times December 17, 1937.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 The Rev. Pat McCormick
15.05 Irene Prador 
in Viennese Songs, and Russell Swann
15.20 Mr. Gillie Potter
15.30 Cartoon Film 
Musical Farmer
15.35-16.10 'Alice In Wonderland' 
(Details as Tuesday, 21.30)
21.00-22.00 Music-Hall Cavalcade 
(stars of yesterday and today), with George Mozart, Marie Kendall, Charles Lee, Daisy Dormer, Tom Leamore, Lizzie Collins, Sable Fern and Talbot O'Farrell, Walter Williams, Emile Boreo. Chairman : George Benson. The Old Couple: Una Venning and Fewlass Llewellyn. The Orchestra under Musical Director Hyam Greenbaum. Presentation by Harry Pringle
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