31 August 1939

From Uktvschedules

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times August 25, 1939.

11.00-12.00 'Come And Be Televised' 
Interviewer, Jasmine Bligh. Direct from Radiolympia
15.00 Fashion Parade 
featuring The Twelve Mannequins, Miss Radiolympia, Don Philippe and Marta, The Gordon Radiolympia Girls, Bobby Howell and his Band. Direct from Radiolympia
15.30 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
15.40 'Picture Page' 
(261st edition) : A Topical Magazine. Edited by Cecil Madden. Produced by Denis Johnston. Interviewer, Leslie Mitchell with Joan Miller
16.00-16.30 The Zoo 
(Details as Monday, 16.00)
20.00 Regional Programme 
(sound only)
20.45(app.) Interval
21.00 Elisabeth Welch 
in songs
21.10 The Zoo 
(Details as Monday 16.00)
21.30 News Film 
British Movietonews
21.40-22.20 'Picture Page' 
(262nd edition) A Topical Magazine. Edited by Cecil Madden. Produced by Denis Johnston. Interviewer, Leslie Mitchell with Joan Miller
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