30 January 1939
From Uktvschedules
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BBC Television
Source: Radio Times January 27, 1939.
- 11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
- 15.00-16.20 'Money For Jam'
- a farce by Bernauer and Osterreischer, translated by M. and A. Bolton. Cast : Peter Paul Lutz—Jack Melford ; Dodo Reinhardt—Barbara Greene ; Lona Reinhardt—Mary Shelley ; Emil Reinhardt—Desmond Keith ; Mario Dorlando — Bruno Barnabe ; Alfred Jensch — Charles Victor ; Muller and Wilhelm—Ralph Roberts ; Kesselberg senior—Edmund Bailey ; Kesselberg junior—Leonard Sachs ; Schulski—Bernard Miles ; A Policeman—Paul Chesterton. Production by Michael Barry
- 20.15 Regional Programme
- (sound only)
- 20.55 Interval
- 21.00 Guest Night
- No. 4. A. G. Street discusses with his friends what they do in their leisure time. Some paint, some tend their gardens, others become collectors, musicians, dog-breeders, and others again simply become fit. Presentation by Mary Adams
- 21.30 'Six Gentlemen In A Row'
- a comedy by Jules Romains. English version by Harley Granville-Barker. With Harvey Braban, V. C. Clinton-Baddeley, Kenelm Foss, Roy Graham, Evan John, Neil Porter, John Ruddock (by arrangement with the 'Under Suspicion', management), Frank Snell, Wilfrid Walter, and Charles Windermere. Production by Jan Bussell
- 21.50 News Film
- Gaumont-British News
- 22.00 'Behind The Beyond'
- a problem play by Stephen Leacock. With Nadine March and Frank Birch, and Peter Ashmore, Don Gemmell, Hilary Pritchard, Christopher Steele, Monica Stirling, and Gladys Young. Production by Jan Bussell
- 22.35-22.55 News Bulletin