30 January 1939

From Uktvschedules

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times January 27, 1939.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00-16.20 'Money For Jam' 
a farce by Bernauer and Osterreischer, translated by M. and A. Bolton. Cast : Peter Paul Lutz—Jack Melford ; Dodo Reinhardt—Barbara Greene ; Lona Reinhardt—Mary Shelley ; Emil Reinhardt—Desmond Keith ; Mario Dorlando — Bruno Barnabe ; Alfred Jensch — Charles Victor ; Muller and Wilhelm—Ralph Roberts ; Kesselberg senior—Edmund Bailey ; Kesselberg junior—Leonard Sachs ; Schulski—Bernard Miles ; A Policeman—Paul Chesterton. Production by Michael Barry
20.15 Regional Programme 
(sound only)
20.55 Interval
21.00 Guest Night 
No. 4. A. G. Street discusses with his friends what they do in their leisure time. Some paint, some tend their gardens, others become collectors, musicians, dog-breeders, and others again simply become fit. Presentation by Mary Adams
21.30 'Six Gentlemen In A Row' 
a comedy by Jules Romains. English version by Harley Granville-Barker. With Harvey Braban, V. C. Clinton-Baddeley, Kenelm Foss, Roy Graham, Evan John, Neil Porter, John Ruddock (by arrangement with the 'Under Suspicion', management), Frank Snell, Wilfrid Walter, and Charles Windermere. Production by Jan Bussell
21.50 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
22.00 'Behind The Beyond' 
a problem play by Stephen Leacock. With Nadine March and Frank Birch, and Peter Ashmore, Don Gemmell, Hilary Pritchard, Christopher Steele, Monica Stirling, and Gladys Young. Production by Jan Bussell
22.35-22.55 News Bulletin
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