26 April 1939

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times April 21, 1939.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 Jack Jackson And His Band
15.30 News Film 
British Movietonews
15.40 'The Art Of Fatigue' 
A demonstration by Evelyn Verschoyle and Sir Paul Dukes, of how the impulses of stretching and yawning can be used to induce complete rest by imitating the movements of animals
15.50 Cartoon Film 
Peculiar Penguins
15.55-16.00 Music Makers 
Eunice Gardiner (pianoforte)
20.00 National Programme 
(sound only)
21.00 'Rake's Progress' 
by Olga Katzin. A play on the life of John Wilkes, rake, scholar wit, fend man of fashion, who fought George III on the question of English liberty and won. Cast: John Wilkes - Robert Harris, Humphrey Cotes, his friend - William Fox, George Kearsey, his printer - Lawrence Hanray, Matt Brown, his servant - Stuart Latham, Lord Temple, his patron - Wyndham Goldie, The Duke of Grafton, Prime Minister - Martin Walker. Production by Eric Crozier. This programme will be repeated on Tuesday, May 2
22.30-22.50 News Bulletin
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