25 December 1969

From Uktvschedules




Source: TV & Radio Bits http://www.tvradiobits.co.uk/tellyyears

09.00 On Christmas Day in the Morning
09.30 A Spoonful of Sugar
10.00 The News
10.05 Tom and Jerry
10.15 The Doctors
10.35 Christmas Morning Service
11.45 Rolf Harris
Meet the Kids
12.30 Royal Family
14.15 Top of the Pops 69
15.00 Billy Smart's Circus Spectacular
16.10 Disney Time 
with Julie Andrews
17.00 Cinderella 
starring Jimmy Tarbuck, Beryl Reid, Anita Harris and Jack Tripp
18.30 The News
18.40 Save the Children
18.45 Christmas Night with the Stars 
introduced by Val Doonican, featuring Dad's Army, Dick Emery, Marty, Kenneth McKellar and Moira Anderson, Not in Front of the Children, Monty Python's Flying Circus
20.15 The Morecambe and Wise Christmas Show
21.15 FILM- McLintock starring John Wayne
23.15 Tony Bennett & the Count Basie Orchestra
0.05 And Was Made Black


Source: TV & Radio Bits http://www.tvradiobits.co.uk/tellyyears

10.15 Play School
10.35 Christmas Morning Service 
from St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle
11.45 Kyoto
12.30 Royal Family 
A special Christmas showing of this historic documentary film
14.15 Chronicle 
The Fate of the Armada introduced by Magnus Magnusson
15.00 The Royal Ballet- Sleeping Beauty
17.25 News Summary
17.30 Call My Bluff
18.00 The Price of Fame 
or Fame at any Price with Georgie Fame and Alan Price
18.45 The Paladins of Palermo
19.10 Children Talking
19.20 Jesus 
The story of his life
20.05 The News
20.15 Bird's-Eye View 
Beside the Seaside by Sir John Betjemen
21.05 This Colourful Year of Sport
22.25 Barbra Streisand
23.15 News Headlines
23.16 FILM- The Day They Robbed the Bank of England
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