24 August 1938

From Uktvschedules

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times August 19, 1938.

11.00-11.30 Demonstration Film
11.30-12.00 The Fifth Test Match
and at 14.15-15.15, 16.30-17.30, and 18.00-18.30 (Details as Monday, 11.30). In the event of the Test match not being ended today, transmissions from the Oval will be continued daily until the finish
15.15 Eagles
Captain C. W. R. Knight, assisted by Esmond Knight, will display Coronation and Mr. Ramshaw
15.30-16.00 'Cabaret Cruise'
(Sound and Vision, No. 5). Commander- A. B. Campbell. Among the passenger : Steve Geray and Magda Kun, Walsh and Barker, Reine Paulet, Ernest Shannon, The Five Lai Founs, and the Ship's Band, led by Dennis van Thal. Presentation by Harry Pringle, direct from Radiolympia
18.45 'Queue For A Song' 
Douglas Byng with Queenie Leonard, Jackie Billings, Diana Chase, Graham Payn, Joyce Winn, and Edward Cooper. Dennis van Thal and his Orchestra. Production by Reginald Smith, direct from Radiolympia
19.15-19.30 Forecast Of Fashion
from Radiolympia. Clothes supplied and described by members of the Fashion Group of Great Britain. The programme arranged by H. E. Plaister and G. Kenward Eggar. Presentation by Andrew Miller Jones
20.30 'Cabaret Cruise' 
(Sound and Vision, No. 6) (Details as 15.30)
21.00 'Coffee Stall' 
A light entertainment with Ernest Jay as the Coffee-Stall Keeper. The customers will include : S. E. Reynolds, Eric Christmas, Norah Blakemore, Josh. Cairns, Eric Lacey. Presentation by Eric Crozier
21.25 Cartoon Film 
Mickey's Revue
21.30 Eagles
(Details as 15.15)
21.45 News Film 
British Movietonews
21.55 Music Makers 
Mark and Michal Hambourg
22.05 Interval Music
22.25-22.45 News Bulletin
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