20 July 1939
From Uktvschedules
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BBC Television
Source: Radio Times July 14, 1939.
- 11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
- 15.00 Stanley Holloway in Cabaret
- with Jean Colin, Jackie Billings and Diana Chase, The Dehl Trio, Edward Cooper , and Dennis van Thal and his Orchestra. Presentation by Reginald Smith
- 15.30 News Film
- Gaumont-British News
- 15.40 Cartoon Film
- Mail Pilot
- 15.45-16.00 Hand Block Printing
- The ancient craft of printing designs on textiles by hand explained by Dora Clarke and demonstrated by Elizabeth Carr
- 20.00 National Programme
- (sound only)
- 21.00 Tommy Handley in Intimate Cabaret
- with La Marques (Spanish dances), Eve Lister (songs), Frederic Harris (conjuror), Bennett and Williams (comedians), accompanied by Jim Hands - pianoforte, Tom Webster - drums. Production by Eric Fawcett
- 21.30 News Film
- British Movietonews
- 21.40 'Sunday In The Country'
- No. 5. C. Henry Warren takes viewers on a motor tour and a ramble through the South Cotswolds
- 21.55-22.35 'The Man Of Destiny'
- A Trifle by Bernard Shaw. Cast: Napoleon - Henry Oscar, The Strange Lady - Joyce Kennedy, Lieutenant - Brian Oulton, Giuseppe - Frank Birch. Production by Desmond Davis. To be repeated on Friday, July 28