18 May 1939

From Uktvschedules

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times May 12, 1939.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 'The Chance Of A Lifetime' 
A sporting romance for television by John Pudney. Cast: 'Plum' Damson, an elderly, very sporting baker - Edward Chapman, Muriel, Alice, and Phyllis, his three unmarried sisters - Agnes Lauchlan, Jean Shepeard, Helen Goss ; Corky Legg, a one-legged gossip - Ivor Barnard, Joe Bessano, an Italian waiter - Alan Wheatley. And Phyllis Morris, Pamela Barnard, Stuart Latham, Mario Francelli, Eric Noels, Eric Wild, Gilbert Webster, and Len Stevens as the 'sports' of Sisterly. Production by Royston Morley
15.35 News Film 
British Movietonews
15.45-16.00 'Picture Page' 
(243rd edition) A topical magazine. Edited by Cecil Madden. Produced by Philip Bate. Interviewer: Leslie Mitchell with Joan Miller. Introducing scenes from Henry Sherek's 'Dorchester Floor Show'. With Kay Kimber, Helen Bennett, Brantley and Linda, and Robert Alton's 'Stars of Tomorrow'
20.00 National Programme 
(sound only)
20.30 Professional Tennis 
(Details as Tuesday, 21.30)
21.00 Flotsam and Jetsam in Cabaret 
with The Five Lai-Founs (Chinese acrobats). Presentation by Harry Pringle
21.35 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
21.45-22.15 'Picture Page' 
(244th edition) (Details as 15.45, except that the scenes from the 'Dorchester Floor Show' will not be given)
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