07 February 1939

From Uktvschedules

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times February 3, 1939.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00 Eric Wild And His Band 
with Dorothy Alt
15.20 News Film 
British Movietonews
15.30 Making A Life Mask 
Dora Clarke, with the help of her caster and a living model, will show how a life mask is made
15.40 Cartoon Film 
15.45-16.00 'Coffee Stall' 
a light entertainment devised by S. E. Reynolds. With Sunday Wilshin, Josh Cairns, Tom Clarkson, Philippa Howard, Mary Lennox, Richard Pasquale, Eric Christmas. Presentation by Eric Boseley
20.00 National Programme 
(sound only)
21.00 Henry Sherek's Cabaret 
from the Dorchester Hotel. John Hoysradt (impressions), Vera Haal (songs), and the Chester Hale Girls
21.20 Cabaret Cartoons 
Cartoons by Harry Rutherford, cabaret by Marietta and Rudy (dancers), Joe Adami (clown), Four Spallas (adagio), and Trudi Binar (Miss Czechoslovakia). The BBC Television Orchestra, conductor Hyam Greenbaum. Presentation by Cecil Madden
21.40 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
21.50 Music Makers 
Eileen Joyce (pianoforte)
22.00 Animals, Anatomy, Artists 
John Skeaping, with the aid of pictures, films, and living animals, shows how artists from the cave man to Walt Disney have interpreted animal anatomy. Presentation by Mary Adams
22.20-22.40 News Bulletin
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