02 May 1939

From Uktvschedules

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BBC Television

Source: Radio Times April 28, 1939.

11.00-12.00 Demonstration Film
15.00-16.30 'Rake's Progress' 
by Olga Katzin. A play on the life of John Wilkes, rake, scholar, wit, and man of fashion, who fought George III on the question of English liberty and won. Cast: John Wilkes - Esmond Knight, Humphrey Cotes, his friend - William Fox, George Kearsey, his printer - Stanley Lathbury, Matt Brown, his servant - Stuart Latham, Lord Temple, his patron - Wyndham Goldie, George III - Albert Lieven, The Duke of Grafton, Prime Minister - Martin Walker, Lord Halifax, Secretary of State - George Devine, Lord Egremont, Secretary of State - Aubrey Dexter, Mr. Webb, Solicitor to the Treasury - Lawrence Hanray, Rev. John Home, a radical parson - Harvey Braban, Mrs. Catherine Macaulay - Marjorie Bryce, Mr. Thomas, Marshal of the King's Bench Prison - Edgar K. Bruce, Captain Maclean - Alan Hamilton, Mrs. Mead, Wilkes's mother-in-law - Dame May Whitty, Polly, Wilkes's daughter - Hilda Schroder, Cathy, a maid - Ruby Head, Maria Bellini, of the Neapolitan Opera - Irene Prador, Jem Trot - Henry Morrell, Grimes - Mardale Owen, A Gaoler and a Constable - Mario Francelli, and Bruce Adams and Sam Payne. Production by Eric Crozier
20.00 Regional Programme 
(sound only)
21.00 A Gershwin Programme 
with Eric Wild and his Band. Solo piano, Harold Stuteley and Alice Mann. Presentation by Philip Bate
21.25 Cartoon Film  
Camping Troubles
21.30 News Film 
Gaumont-British News
21.40 'In The Barber's Chair' 
No. 5. by Reginald Arkell with Charles Heslop as Percy Ponsonby
21.50 Film
22.00 'Annajanska, The Bolshevik Empress' 
A revolutionary romancelet by G. Bernard Shaw. Cast: Stammfest - Erik Chitty, Schneidekind - Alan Wheatley, Annajanska - Vera Lindsay, Two soldiers - Cyprian Bridge and, William Dickinson. Production by Dallas Bower. This programme will be repeated on Sunday, May 7
22.25-22.45 News Bulletin
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