Ghastly's Ghastly Comic
From Tv Tropes
Current revision as of 01:59, 26 April 2012
- Tentacle monsters, and the women who love them.
- -- Tagline
Ghastly's Ghastly Comic was an adult webcomic that ran from 2001 to 2006. Inspired by an NSFW Template:Sexy Losers strip, the series is about tentacle monsters living in our world, and the people they interact with. These people include a chibi, a [[Template:Transvestite girly guy]] who speaks broken-Japanese, an Template:Attention whore Cosplay Otaku Girl, a Flaky New Age Neo-Pagan, Baby Cthulhu, a Cloudcuckoolander who looks perpetually stoned, a furry, a guy transplanted from a Template:Hentai game who has an invisible penis, a guy transplanted from a 1970s Blaxploitation flick, and Drunk and Bitter Jesus.
The series can be found [here]. This Template:Webcomic is Template:Not Safe For Work, and be careful about the examples.
!!This work contains examples of:
- A Date With Rosie Palms.
- Ambiguous Gender: Shota Versus Loli.
- Arent You Going To Ravish Me: The very first strip.
- Art Evolution: [Observe.]
- Attention Whore: Bunny Boy and Cosplay Girl
- Author Appeal: Lots and lots of futanari.
- Blind Idiot Translation: On a dildo made in Japan, the words "Three year warranty" accidentally got translated as "Not recommended for three years and under".
- BrainBleach: Alan Moore Yaoi. Note]]: Not Alan Moore characters.
- [[YourMileageMayVary
- [[[=~But You Screw One Goat!~=]
- CloudCuckooLander: The aptly-named Kwerki.
- [[Template:Cosplay
- CreatorBreakdown: The author's divorce, spending time in a mental hospital, and questioning his sexual identity played some factors in the end of the strip.
- DeadBabyComedy: More like "Baby Having Tentacle Sex Comedy" though.
- [[[=~Does This Remind You Of Anything?~=]]]: [This] Template:Crossover with Tang's Weekly Comic.
- [[DroppedABridgetOnHim Chick Boy and Freddy.
- [[Sholi-chan and Lota-chan manage to simultaneously drop Bridgets on themselves.
- [[Template:Ecchi
- EldritchAbomination: Fnanp mistakes the tentacle monsters for these.
- [[AllMenArePerverts Everyone But Glemph Is A Pervert]]: And Peep, who's so young, he looks at sex toys and thinks they are ninja implements.
- [[EveryoneIsBi
- [[Template:Expy]]: Freddy, of one of the artist's earlier creations, [[Template:Pokemon James]] With Tits.
- ExactWords: The commissioner wanted yaoi featuring Alan Moore's characters, but asked for Alan Moore yaoi. Ghastly provided ScrewYourself Alan Moore yaoi.
- EyesAlwaysShut: Hammer the barkeep.
- [[Template:Fangirl
- [[Template:Filler
- TheFundamentalist: JackChick Chick-Boy.
- FurryFandom: Bunny Boy, a decidedly negative portrayal.
- GenkiGirl: Freddy. The girl aspect is debatable. The genki aspect is not.
- [[GoodAngelBadAngel
- GratuitousJapanese: Freddy.
--> "If I was a [[Template:Catgirl cat-girl]], FiddlerOnTheRoof baka-baka-baka-neko-neko-neko-neko-dum"
- GroinAttack: Distressingly common.
- HerCodeNameWasMarySue: Zipper ninja.
- HimeCut: Kiki.
- HypocriticalHumor: Glemph defends his cousin's homosexuality... only to flip out on discovering his cousin's boyfriend is human.
- InnocentInaccurate: Peep.
- InstantAwesomeJustAddNinja: The Zipper Ninja.
- [[TheInternetIsForPorn
- ItsNotRapeIfYouEnjoyedIt: When you have an extreme tentacle rape fetish, it's most likely not actually rape.
- JackChick: His tracts are parodied mercilessly. Firstly one of the tentacle monsters uses them for emergency toilet paper. Then later on Freddy makes Template:Doujinshi [tracts].
- [[JesusWasWayCool Jesus Was Drunk And Bitter
- JiveTurkey: Brewster "Da Funk" Bombe.
- [[LocalHangout (The Spanked Monkey bar)
- LovecraftLite: Cthulhu, who is actually a baby, and his parents pawn him off to a babysitter.
- [[ManicPixieDreamGirl Freddy again.
- [[MarsNeedsWomen
- MeaningfulName: NoSocialSkills Kwerki.
- MeetCute: Offscreen]]: F'ga and Bobby met when F'ga reached through a glory hole to ask for toilet paper because his stall had run out.
- MySpeciesDothProtestTooMuch: Glemph.
- NaughtyTentacles: Probably covers every form of PlayingWithATrope with this.
- OlderThanTheyLook: Chibi Sue, who is strike: 34]] 36.
- [[OrphanedSeries
- PantyShot: [The rape-gasm is incidental.]
- [[RapeAsComedy
- RuleThirtyFour: This comic is loaded with it.
- [[RunningGag
- TheLoinsSleepTonight: One of the tentacle monsters suffers from his tentacles not working once.
- ShroudedInMyth: Among other exploits, Hammer once rode the range and fought in a Template:Sentai team... always alongside a masturbation-obsessed dip named Clem.
- SpitTake: Done dry in [this strip].
- [[StupidSexyFlanders
- StylisticSuck: The strips drawn by Freddy.
- TakeThat: Several aimed at Template:Megatokyo.
- These lead up to a piece of SelfDeprecation: When he compares his vasectomy to a long line of people waiting to kick him in the nuts, Largo and Piro announce they've gone three times.
- UsefulBook: Nort finds himself with no toilet paper, and starts yelling blasphemous things until Chick-Boy shows up and flings some tracts into the stall. Punchline "I knew there was a use for these things."
- YaoiGuys: F'ga and Bobby.
- [[Template:Yonkoma