Adding page-by-page protection
From Tuxation
More information can be found here:
Basically we installed a new extension in order to add a page-by-page protection. It can be downloaded from here:
Once the extension is installed, just edit the LocalSettings.php as in the following:
# Include the extention. Please check the path is correct. require_once( "$IP/extensions/accesscontrol/accesscontrolSettings.php" ); include("extensions/accesscontrol/accesscontrol.php"); # Require users to login. $wgWhitelistEdit = true; $wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false; $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false; # AccessControl settings. // if false, show a Line on Top of each secured Page, which says, which Groups // are allowed to see this page. $wgAccessControlDisableMessages = false; // The Prefix for the Usergroup-Pages $wgAccessControlGroupPrefix = "Usergroup"; // To this Page will these users redirected who are not allowed to see the page. $wgAccessControlNoAccessPage = "/apache2-default/mediawiki/noaccess.html"; // Set this to 1.7, if you use mediaWiki 1.7 or greater, this is for compatibility // reasons $wgWikiVersion = 1.7; // use the groups from MediaWiki instead of own Usergroup pages $wgUseMediaWikiGroups = false; // sysop users can read all restricted pages $wgAdminCanReadAll = true; // The text for the showing on the restricted pages, for one group $wgGroupLineText = "This page is only accessible for group %s !!!"; // The text for the showing on the restricted pages, for more than one group $wgGroupsLineText = "This page is only accessible for group %s !!!"; $wgAccesscontrolDebug = false; // Debug log on $wgAccesscontrolDebugFile = "/var/www/wiki/config/debug.txt"; // Path to the debug l
Then you'll gonna have to create an html file as pointed to by /apache2-default/mediawiki/noaccess.html in the configuration. You can change this to your liking of course.