From Tsmapmakerwiki
The mapmaker is included in all Timesplitter games. It is easy to use for the most part but there are still many questions about mapmaker.
TS2 Story
To create a story map worth playing use the advanced setting. Build a map leaving room for items. Add one start point unless you want the starting point to be random. Now for enemies. To add a story enemy go to the menu screen. Find the section labled "Bot Set". Choose ten bots that will be enemies in the map. Hit "Done".
Exit out of menu and go to "Story Enemies". From here you can choose what the enemies will be doing and what they will have as a weapon.
NOTE: Zombies, Reaper and Drone Splitters will play as in the actual story.
ONce you have set a enemy the way you want it hit done. Click on the little colored person. Now you can add that enemy to your map.
(ATTENTION TO OTHER USERS: I am not done making this article but I can only make TS2 help as I do not own any other games. Please do not delete this article until I am done making the TS2 part. Feel free to add TS ot TSFP help. Thank you.-Slagar)