What's new?

From Tribewanted

Revision as of 19:30, 28 June 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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This page contains news from the previous 30 days or so.

  • (this list is not currently maintained, but feel free to add new things here if you like...)

What's New archive
You may also wish to check out Tribewanted's work in process page.


All tribe members are expected to update this page. There is no "admin" who will come along and maintain this. If you found a little nugget of news in the discussion forum that you think others should know about, you should put it here. If you see an item in the list above that is older than 30 days, please move it to the archive page. We want to keep this page relevant and the place-to-go if you want to know what's going on at a glance.

Please keep the Wiki Guidelines in mind when adding new entries. This Wiki is public, so you should only put things here that are newsworthy. The discussion forum is the place to hash over controversies. If you see anything here that you feel should be in the forum and not the Wiki -- just delete it!

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