DF Trustee App: Lorren Price

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Application For Role of Trustee: Lorren Price (Lolly)

A. Occupation

Name of current or most recent employer:

Middlesex University
HR Manager
March 2003 to present

Please summarise the main duties and responsibilities in your current or most recent job:

  • Advising line managers and staff on all HR policies, procedures, best practice, and employment law.
  • Managing varied casework: disciplinaries,complaints, performance management, sickness absence, compromise agreements, and Employment Tribunal cases.
  • Writing new HR policies
  • Carrying out consultations and negotiations with unions

B. Education and Training

a) Secondary education OR further and/or higher education, giving most recent qualification first

School/College/University/Qualification and subjects(s)LevelGradeYear obtained
Chartered Institute of Personnel and DevelopmentPost graduate certificate in HR Management 2000
University of SunderlandBA (Hons) Social Sciences 2:11991
RSA Book-keeping 1996

b) Qualification(s) currently being undertaken

Institution/ProviderQualification/levelSubject(s)Exam/finish date

c) Relevant Training and Non-Qualification Courses Attended

  • Health and Safety
  • Equal Opportunities and Diversity
  • Project Management
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Managing Sickness Absence
  • Managing Performance

d) Membership of Professional Body(ies)/Professional Qualification(s)
(If more than one, please list all)

Name of Professional Body(ies)Qualification(s)Membership levelRegistration No.Date obtained
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Chartered Member 2000

C. Additional Information in Support of your Application

1. Have you read and understood the following document published by the Charities Commission: [1]


2. Please outline any experience you may have of working with a charity:

I have worked for two charities in the past: The Arbours Association, a mental health charity, where I worked as Office Co-ordinator. I was overall responsible for all the administration and finance: marketing, PR, liaison with the Charities Commission, servicing the Trustees committee, preparing accounts for end of year audit, liaising with housing associations and NHS Health Trusts.
The other charity was the Nuffield Foundation: a large charitable Trust, sponsoring projects in health, social issues, bioethics and education. I was Office Manager/Personnel Officer. I serviced the committee of high profile Trustees, drawn from the world of academia, law, and science. The Trustee meetings were long meetings 4 times a year, considering very detailed and complex proposals for funding. Some of the proposals were research projects spanning several years, involving eminent specialists from around the world, and publicised in the press.

3. Give an account of any specialist or transferable skills you may have which would be relevant to the role of TWDF Trustee?
(e.g. PR/marketing, fundraising, accountancy, legal, HR, project management, specific connections with Fiji etc)

I have general all round business skills, some of which have been gained in the charitable sector. I am a qualified HR Manager so have a full understanding of all business functions including finance, marketing, PR, fundraising and so on. I have a book-keeping qualification and have worked with finance software; I am currently seconded to a major development project at Middlesex University so have a full understanding of the mechanisms for successful project management.

4. What experience, if any, do you have of serving on a committee?

At work, I am on several committees. I have also serviced Trustees committees.

5. What do you think will be the priorities for the TWDF Trustees in the next 6 months?

  • To induct and train the Trustees
  • Draw up a Trust Deed outlining the purpose and constitution of the charity
  • Getting Charitable status
  • To establish a stream of income

6. Have you been to Fiji/do you plan on going in the next few years? Please give details:

I will be visiting Fiji for 5 weeks in August 2007.

Would you be willing/able to carry out any relevant TWDF work while there?


7. If you are UK based, will you be able to attend meetings four times a year with the other Trustees and the occasional training day? (reasonable travel expenses will be paid):


8. Please give any further details you think are relevant to your application:

I have been the Elder of the Dream Foundation Tikina, getting the whole election of the Trustees organised; liaising with other Tikina members; getting reports put in the weekly newsletter; I’m an active tribe member and regular attendee of Tribal gatherings which will prove useful in future fund-raising.
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