
From Tribewanted

Revision as of 12:20, 1 March 2007 by (Talk)

This page is dedicated to the variety of activities currently on the island and the huge potential for new activities. Information about activities will give new members an idea of what to expect and inspire them to think of new and exiciting opportunities to make Vorovoro a diverse, sustainable and enjoyable experience for the Tribe, the environmental and the Fijian people.

Vorovoro provides an opportunity to turn a day to day existence into an unforgettable experience. The most exciting thing is that the tribe will create the experience themselves: whether its the style of living, the type of entertainment, or the range if activities. Be it a dawn yoga session on the secret beach, a tribal gig on sunset stage, a global debate, a mini-island Olympics, volunteering on a local community project, mastering a Fijian warrior dance, snorkelling, diving, surfing, reading, writing and recoding music, or simply chilling out in a hammock with a cold beer – Vorovoro and the tribe have the potential to create an unparalleled experience.

Current Activities

  • Swimming in the local waters.
  • golf tournament
  • island treasure hunt
  • Vorovoro 4 peaks challenge
  • Full moon parties
  • Fishing in the island waters.
  • Snorkeling. Equipment is available on the island, but bring your own if you have it.
  • Scuba Diving. Dives in the region can be arranged through local companies. Can membres dive off the island? No equipment is available on the island.
  • Gathering together at meal times to enjoy food and drink.
  • Sevusevu ceremony.
  • Parties organisated to celebrate special events, such as festivals and birthdays.
  • Music - bring an instrument, solar powered ipod or just bang away on a log and sing -you won't be the only one.
  • Exploring the island, walking via island footpaths (or forging your own) or strolling around the island at low tide and enjoying the environment and views
  • Visiting the island caves
  • Wildlife watching?
  • Occasional day trips to local island communities by boat.
  • Volunteering on a local community project.
  • Demonstrating and participating in traditional fishing techniques.
  • Beach volleyball. An area has been cleared for this on the island.
  • Reading. A library is available.

Mali School Trip

Cost: $6 for the return boat ride.

There will be a trip to Mali District High every Friday. The boat will depart Vorovoro at 8am and return for a late lunch, so make sure you have lots of breakfast as you're going to need plenty of energy!

What you need to bring: Any books, sports equipment or other contributions for the school, Water and a snack, Wet weather gear if needed, Camera – very important, Sun cream.

There is an option to walk to the school, it’s a little over 2 miles from Nakawaga, which is short boat ride from Vorovoro. Please speak to Dan the day before if you are interested in doing this.

Fishing – Hand line trolling

Cost: $20

Each week we will be aiming to run a fishing trip (weather and numbers dependent). Trips will usually leave early in the morning (4.30am!) or around dusk, as these are the times when the fish are feeding. The day before your trip there will be a short session to learn how to use the equipment.

What you need to bring: Warm clothes, Wet weather gear, Water and a snack, Camera, Tourch, Sun cream.

The maximum and minimum number for running a fishing trip is 3.

Snorkeling Adventure

Cost: $15

There will be one snorkelling trip to the inner reef each week (weather and numbers dependent). The boat will leave at 8am and will return before lunch. Anyone wishing to come on this trip needs to be a confident swimmer, please talk to Dan if you have any questions.

What you should bring: Snorkelling equipment, Water and a snack, Warm clothes, Towel, Sun cream, Waterproof camera.

A minimum of three is required to run this trip.

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