Newsletter, February 2, 2007
From Tribewanted
Contents |
This weeks votes
1. Extra Time Vote – Limiting Advance Bookings
The tribe previously voted that a member can buy an unlimited number of weeks overall. But should the amount you can book in advance be limited to a total of 12 weeks?
YES, we can pre-book only up to 12 weeks of island stay in advance
NO, we can book as much time in advance as we like, subject to availability'
2. Extra Time Vote – On Island Bookings
Subject to available island space, once they are on Vorovoro members are permitted, over & above their pre-purchased time, to extend their stay and purchase extra weeks at the discretion of TW Management and in observance of Tribe enacted rules.
YES ______ NO _______
3. Limitation of Island Stays - 4 Weeks On, 4 Weeks Off
Members are not permitted to remain on the island for more than 4 weeks in a row. If a member stays for the 4 week maximum, there must be a minimum of a 4 week gap before they can return.
YES ______ NO _______
Voting booth open for 1 week
Tribe visit Kia Island
"Welcome to my home, the island of fish." Api, our boat captain on Vorovoro, took us for an overnight stay on Kia Island. Kia is the most northern inhabited island in Fiji, and for the last few months we have often sat on the beach on Vorovoro staring out to this lump on the horizon wondering what it was like. Now we know. In just under an hour you can skim across the Mali channel, the sand banks, the reef walls and land on the beaches of another spectacular Fijian island. Island hopping - what weekends were supposed to be for...
New chiefs, Old chiefs, No chiefs
New Chief
Congratulations to Mcki Bradshaw who has been elected in as April 2007 Vorovoro Tribe Chief, you can tell your grankids now Micki!
Old Chief
Wildgeeza steps down this weekend after leading the tribe in January 2007. Everyone should check-out Chief Wildgeeza's BRILLIANT Blog and pics of his time and owrk on Vorovoro. Vinaka wild man and happy travels...
No Chief
We are chiefless for February but do not fear we will survive, Bengazi, Tui Mali, the yavusa, the team and visiting members will be mostly...
BAMBOO - upgraded showers, mini-bure, wildgeeza's super-shed
JETTY - platform from pontoon to walkway
GARDEN - upkeep and weeding (there are a lot!)
VOROVORO ONLINE - watch this space, I can smell it in the tropical air
As Feb is going to be relatively quiet on Vorovoro it would be a good time to really look at the water/accommodation issues that Chief Wildgeeza raised in Jan.
WATER - We have UCL team onto this + Water Tikina - this discussion will pick-up soon. Rainy season isn't happening at the moment so need solution fast!
ACCOMMODATION & MAPPING - Will promise to have a map of the development area of Vorovoro and options/ideas for where accommodation building can take place. We should be aiming to vote on some kind of building plans sometime in Feb. Fijian input is important here.
Green Dream - carbon offsetting?
There has also been discussion on the merits of Carbon offsetting so why not head over to the forum and add your perspective!
Other interesting tribe member discussions on climate change... An Inconvenient Truth what are we doing about it?
Heat - read it!
Climate Tikina chat
This weeks hot topics...
When and how should we be voting for Chiefs?
Heading to Vorovoro in May? Head here.
Next Tribal Gathering > Liverpool, UK 24th February
News Tikina
Last sunday the News Tikina met for the first time and we have started to put a structure firmly in place which we hope to lead the way with from this week forward. Lollipops has been voted as the Elder and current members are Chief Bengazi, Dan, Jess, Gilligan, Kirsty and Lucy. Between us we are all looking forward to helping Tribewanted go to the next level and get the great story that is Tribewanted out there to more and more people. Internally we also look forward to delivering a fun but interesting and informative read within the Newsletter on a weekly basis to all the great Tribe members out there. We hope you will all enjoy!
Pacific SUN > Nadi to Labasa
The Fiji domestic leg of your tribewanted journey from Nadi to Labasa on Vanua Levu is now been operated by Pacifc Sun, Air Pacific's domestic service. Carbon conscious, $-saving tribbies can always the boat!
How does this affect tribe members travelling to Vorovoro?
1. It does not affect anyone who has already booked tickets with Sun Air - tickets and flight times will be honoured by Pacific Sun
2. Air Pacific will offer us a deal for tribe members flights (probably similar to Sun Air) within 2 weeks. If you need to book a flight in the meantime you can through
3. Tribe members will also soon have the option be able to book Air Pacifc from London/Los Angeles/Sydney/Auckland/Tokyo through to Labasa on ONE ticket. They are partnered with BA, Quantas, Virgin etc... for transatlantic flights. This will make travelling itineries to Vorovoro easier to manage for you.
Price/deal for domestic flights and international booking options will be posted here and on newsletters in February.