Newsletter, May 9, 2006

From Tribewanted

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Tuesday 9th May STA Travel - Global travel company forms partnership with tribewanted.

We can exclusively confirm that the world's best adventure and time-out travel agent has joined forces with tribewanted, starting with the UK and soon across the world. As we launched tribewanted STA Travel global got in touch with us to offer tribewanted not only a booking 'phone line but also a full exclusive travel service helping tribe members get from where they live to 'Adventure Island' – how could we say no! You can now book tribal membership over the phone, using your credit card. To do so please call: 08701 607 539 and speak to our friends at STA Travel.

STA Travel represents just one of the organisations who have sought affiliation with this unique once in a life-time global social experience; more will be revealed shortly. What we can guarantee is that for 5000 people joining tribewanted will be an adventure of a lifetime.

NBC in the back-garden The Global media interest in tribewanted has been incredible and was topped today by the NBC Today Show arriving from the USA to film the tribewanted story in Devon. We had a great day with the NBC crew who are really passionate about the project. Tribewanted will hit American screens on Friday the 26th of May to a worldwide audience of 11 million and we are confident that will see a surge in tribal memberships. Make sure that you become 1 of 5,000, fast!

Please do go and check out the pictures of Chief Marika and Chief Bengazi with NBC on the Chief's Blog.

Calling all...

The tribewanted forum is going crazy with a hive of activity and suggestions as to what could be done on Adventure Island. With this discussion in mind we would love to see a broad range of skilled people on the Island from builders and technicians to artists and yogo instructors – you are all welcome and very much needed to help out during the time you are there. Here is a brief list of skills required on the Island:

Builders Yoga instructors Sports instructors Teachers Swimmers Art enthusiasts Actors / Dancers Musicians Food lovers Carers And everything and anything else. Tribewanted: Adventure Island is about bringing people's skills and experiences developed throughout their life so far to create a unique global story. Whatever your skill is, it is needed on the Island. Join us.

Finally, do watch out for blog updates this week as Chief Marika hits Australia in a tribewanted campervan, as we encourage, inspire and motivate Australians to become a part of this evolving story.

Chief Marika & Chief Bengazi

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