Newsletter, August 8, 2006

From Tribewanted

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Fiji Focus

Dan and Becky touch down in Fiji and offer you their first thoughts on our Fiji Focus blog: Dan and Becky's Fiji thoughts:

Ben, Dan and Becky have also sent back some awesome images of your island from the air: Vorovoro from the air:

We also have more podcasts for you from Fiji:

Sounds of Vorovoro:

Discuss the sounds of Vorovoro in the forum

Interview with Maleli Naiova - tribewanted's environmental consultant:

Discuss the interview with Maleli Naiova in the forum

Have your say: Still talking rubbish:

Next week we are going to move into voting on sanitation on Vorovoro. If there are any tribe members with thoughts, experience and wisdom please do add to the debate: Sanitation debate

John Wright has officially accepted the role of the Sanitation discussion co-ordinator and have provided some excellent thoughts on the topic. John will be heading up further discussion as we make decisions about this important aspect of vorovoro life.

Remember: Next week we go to vote so as much information as possible from Tribbies would be great.

Once again, the tribe has decided:

Poques for October Chief

Warren Wright (Poques) has been elected as October Chief which means that he will be on the Island in September and October which will give Tribewanted a good foundation for development. Poques will be reporting back to the tribe and ensuring that the tribe's voice is heard on the island.

One island image elected elisabeth-one%20island%20shirt.jpg

Elisabeth's tribal t-shirt design was voted for as the next Tribewanted t-shirt. This design will soon go into print and will be available to buy in the 'soon to be launched' online tribal shop.

Hot topics:

What are you doing to celebrate the launch of Tribewanted:Vorovoro? How about meeting other tribe members at the first footers party

What are you doing for Christmas? Tribe members are getting together

For a full update on tribewanted gatherings take a look at: Tribewanted on tour

Oh and you may want to read all about the Birmingham meeting and why lollypop has subsequently changed her name to 'Smuttypop'

Tribe members meet in Birmingham

Focus group co-ordinators formed:

We have had a great respone from our request for focus group co-ordinators who will make help lead discussion on various aspects of tribewanted: vorovoro. The focus group co-ordinators are:

- Web - TC Conway - Sanitation - John Wright - Accomodation- Lorren Price - Food - Vanessa Rees - Communications- Todd Barton - Rubbish and recycling- Sharon Raphael - Activities- Marc Beyeler - Safety- Travis Donoghue - Power- Ivan Scott

Focus group discussion is taking place in the Island Development forum ( so please head over and get involved.

If you would like to contact one of the co-ordintaors directly please e-mail admin at and we will get you in touch.

Global Tribal Gathering co-ordinators wanted:

Tribewanted global gatherings are happening every month in the UK. We have also had one off tribe gatherings in various places across the world.

We are now looking to increase the number of Tribewanted gatherings around the world as tribe members meet off line for fun, friendship and utter tribe randomness. If you would be interested in co-ordinating regional Tribewanted gatherings please e-mail admin at

We are specifically looking for regional co-ordinators in:

-Each of the USA states (If you are interested in co-ordinating tribe gatherings in your state please e-mail admin at


However, where ever you are in the world, if you are aching to start your own Tribewanted gatherings then please do e-mail admin at

We will get you in touch with tribe members in your area so that relationships can foster and Tribewanted gatherings can take place.

There is lots going on, tribal packs are nearly ready to go out and next week you will get an update on Sara Jane's thoughts and feelings as she heads out to the island and developes her role as tribe manager.

That's all for this week folks, not too long to go until the 1st September - we hope you are as excited as we are! Tribal packs are about to go out and next week

Tribewanted HQ

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