Newsletter, January 4, 2007

From Tribewanted

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4th January 2007 New Year on V2

New Years eve started with a trip to Ligalevu where the whole of Mali had gathered to welcome in the New Year. The Tribe was treated to a feast on a table especially constructed for the occasion that sat 60 people, although it still took a number of sittings to feed everyone! Food was followed by Kava, and Kava was followed by entertaining the kids. The Tribe then headed back to Vorovoro to see in the New Year with a few beers around the fire, a midnight swim and some fire dancing!

New Years day started a little slower than usual, but the heat from the sun soon had the tribe out of bed and cooling off in the sea. Most people spent the day relaxing, but a few ventured back to Ligalevu to carry on the celebrations. As we arrived we were met by singing and cheering which soon turned into a meke (dance) and then onto another Kava session!

The tradition at New Year in Fiji is to throw water over each other. We thought we had managed to avoid this until we started walking back to our boat when we realized that the people following were not just coming to wave us off!

From your January 2007 Chief Stu 'Wildgeeza' Wild


First of all 'Vinaka-vaka-levu'! to all that took the time to vote me in as your January chief here on Vorovoro!

It's been a bit of a whirl-wind ride from the first couple of days on the island mid-December, to deciding to apply to stay on as chief. I found out about the tribewanted at the end of November, signed up and flew out to LA, then on to here, all within a couple of weeks!

We've managed some great parties over the past few days and I've really enjoyed the Christmas and New Years period out here, along with being proud to be present on the island not only for Chris and Toni's engagement, but also their wedding ceremony!

For this month, I wanted to push forward with two very big projects and get confirmed solutions ready for application and construction, namely the water and accommodation issues.

Being here for nearly 3 weeks has given me the insight that these two areas need to be sorted asap and I have a few ideas and suggestions I'll be putting forward to you all. So, over the coming days, I'll be reinstigating the discussions, with proposals, research and piccies!

I also have a few smaller intermediate ideas and projects to get cracking on with, including intermediate accommodation, (transforming some existing spaces), tending to the farm area and general upkeep of the village.

Catchyou all soon! - online or in the village!

Vinaka !

Chief Wildgeeza

Chief Nominations

There are still positions for Chief up for grabs and votes for February and March. Those wishing to stand for chief positions in April or May 2007 can now send in their applications – a webcast and a manifesto.

More info on applying to be chief can be found here...

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