What's a Wiki?

From Tribewanted

Revision as of 18:07, 16 January 2007 by (Talk)

A Wiki is a collaberative document, meaning a group of people create and maintain it. This Wiki is open to the public, you do not need to be a tribe member to read, or even update it.

  • Anyone can edit any topic in the Wiki. You can fix spelling errors, delete things you think are wrong, or add new topics you think are relevant.
  • You don't need anyone's permission to make a change. If you think it needs to be changed -- go for it! All changes are logged in a history, so if someone else thinks your change is wrong, they can just roll it back to how it was before.
  • To edit an existing topic, just click the edit tab at the top of any page and edit away!
  • Everyone is encouraged to contribute -- that's how it works. If you have some knowledge about Tribewanted, this is the place to put it down so others can benefit from your experience.

Key concept: this is not a web site. All content is created and maintained by the tribe. If you're a tribe member, this means you!

When you're done reading this, click the back button on your web browser, or click the Main Page navigation link on the left side of this page.


  • Do you mean anyone can change this site? YES!
  • Don't I have to log in or something? NO!
  • Don't I have to know HTML or some other complicated computer lingo? NO!
  • Don't I have to discuss my change on the forum to make sure it's a good idea first? HELL NO!
  • Won't this lead to chaos, misinformation and the end of the world as we know it? NOPE!

Go ahead, click the edit tab at the top of this page -- I dare you!

Further information

  • Wiki help Read this for some basic help on how to edit a Wiki. You don't need to read this unless you want to get fancy. Just click the edit tab on any page and try a few things out (click the Show Preview button to see how it looks.) You'll be good-to-go in a couple of minutes!
  • Please read the Wiki Guidelines before contributing.
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