Update, 15-Jan-07

From Tribewanted

Revision as of 02:09, 15 January 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)


The small bure is yet to be completed. We are still waiting for the bamboo to be harvested, transported, crushed, weaved and then put into place. Hopefully Tui Mali and Ulai will discuss today when and where we can source the bamboo from and perhaps even harvest early this week - we cant afford to miss another 3 weeks due to the cycle of the moon.

The wood that was set aside for the floor of the small bure has fallen into the hands of some light fingered 'others' and is disappearing, so we'll deal with that issue when we come to it, once the walls are finished.

Bamboo is also due for Chief Wildgeeza's 'shack conversion'. It is coming on nicely - roof and floor frame are almost finished and it will look great when it's done. Chief, Peter and his son (Laisenia) are doing a grand job (not 100% sure about the tin roof though). Also working to redo the walls of what was the li-bure, which will eventually become a walk-in tool store.

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