Newsletter, July 19, 2006

From Tribewanted

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Real lives. Real people. Real tribewanted.

Dear Tribe members,

A small number of posts have appeared on the internet which has raised some comments that we would like to clarify:

The offer to tribe members:

There have been comments regarding the future of the tribe and what happens on 1 September if there are not 5,000 members. But, 5,000 is the maximum capacity of the tribe - not the minimum needed to make it work. It is already up and running - 1 September is important only as the earliiest date members can visit the island.

The tribe has already formed, with more members joining on a daily basis. The tribe is continually growing both through personal relationships, online community and forum activity and important decisions and developments are being made. Tribewanted has started. Members can now book their time on the island via the online booking system available on the Tribewanted community website. A number of people have already booked to visit the island on the 1st September. If you havent booked your time on the island yet, please feel free to do so.

Tribewanted the business:

Tribewanted has been set up as a Limited company. The structure that we have chosen is commonplace for small businesses and as we are contracting with commercial entities, it makes sense for us to do this. Nevertheless this does not absolve Ben and Mark us as directors from our legal obligations to act in good faith with regard to the people with whom tribewanted contracts, which include tribe members.

Extreme Global Adventure

A few questions have arisen over a concept that Mark was developing entitled Extreme Global Adventure. Mark was developing this concept which was the catalyst that brought Mark and Ben together. As Mark and Ben worked on this project interest arose from a TV Production company who was very passionate about taking this concept further as a TV programme and therefore the website was taken down in order to protect the intellectual property rights of the idea.

Mark is the ideas man and is the concept creator of tribewanted. Ben is the man who makes ideas happen and this partnership has enabled tribewanted to reach the place that it is at today.

Tribewanted has now got members from over 25 Countries, we have been in media world wide, we have venture capitalists wanting to support us, we have exciting offers of thousands of pounds worth of free equipment to help develop island infrastructure and Ben is now on the ground in Fiji and is sending exciting reports through daily with regards to developments.

The future

Tribewanted was established by two young men who had passion, a vision and a dream. Both men are aware that they have made mistakes but realise that this is the essenence of tribewanted - to see people grow, learn, move on and be the best that they can. This is our passion for tribewanted and many exciting opportunities have come our way to develop business projects so that tribewanted becomes much more than an island.

We thank you for the e-mails of support that have come our way during this time and what is becoming obvious is that tribe members themselves have built an amazing community and support network that is not built around any one person, but a growing tribe.

Mark would personally like to thank Ben Keene and the wider tribewanted team for their support during this period of time. Mark would also like to thank tribe members who have communicated their support to him during this period of time.

If you have any questions related to the above please e-mail Andy on

Mark James & Ben Keene Tribewanted HQ

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