Newsletter, August 1, 2006

From Tribewanted

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(Tribewanted support required:)
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both the tribewanted team and our team of advisors. If you
both the tribewanted team and our team of advisors. If you
are interested in being a co-ordinator please e-mail
are interested in being a co-ordinator please e-mail
admin at
== Wikipedia writers wanted ==
== Wikipedia writers wanted ==

Current revision as of 02:47, 17 January 2007


Fiji Focus

It has been a great week for Ben and Ulai on the ground in Fiji with tribewanted recieving a fantastic response from individuals, companies and resorts on the ground.

Take a look at:

Ben and Ulai on Fiji TV

Ben and Ulai in the Fiji Sun Newspaper

You should also take a listen to Ben and Ulai's podcast which really gives the feel for how things are developing on vorovoro ready for the first footers:

Ben and Ulai's podcast

For the very latest news from Fiji (1st August 2006) please head over to 'Updates from Vorovoro'.

We were aware that the North of Fiji has not recieved the financial and employment benefits of tourism as this has not hit them yet. Nevertheless one of the most humbling realisations is how the people of the North of Fiji are so excited by the fact that tribewanted is the first project that brings tourism to the North which is opening the floodgates of interest from others and is bringing in the much needed finances and employment into the area. We appreciate that we are all learning fast and working through understandable and expected glitches but as we realise just how much of a 'big deal' this is for the people of Fiji then it makes it all worthwhile.

Becky and Dan leave for Fiji

Becky and Dan leave on the 3rd of August in order to head out to vorovoro as preperations continue for the arrival of the first footers.

To read Becky and Dan's 'see you on the other side' messages please head over to the Chief's blog

Please note that from the 3rd of August the Chief's blog will be renamed 'Fiji blog' as we focus on the developments in Fiji.

Have your say:


Some of our tribe members have been going crazy designing potential tribewanted T-shirts and voting is now under way.

You can view Charlotte Raphael and Elizabeth Larson's designs here:

Then head over to the tribal voting booth to vote.

October's Chief:

Whilst we have recieved much interest from tribe members with regards to becoming one of the 12 Chiefs, however, we have not had any submissions for the October Chief. We feel that it is vital that we have one of the tribe members as Chief during October so that they are on the island representing the tribe. As Warren Wright (Poques), September's Chief is able to stay on we have asked him whether he is able to stay on as October's Chief subject to a majority vote from tribe members.

For Warren's October manifestation please head over to the '12 Chief's page'

Please head over to the voting booth ( for a simple yes or no vote.

Please note that Warren will not be offended if he is not voted in for October. If, for whatever reason, the tribe decide that Warren should not be Chief for October we will go back to the tribe and request some suggestions. Please also be aware that we have considered Ulai being October's Tribal Chief nevertheless, at this stage, as he is working with us on the ground it his not practical for him to serve the needs of the tribe in this capacity. We do feel that this role should be fullfiled by tribewanted members.

Results: The Great Bure

This graph below shows that it is official, 96% voted for The Great Bure.

The Great Bure will be built in collaboration with the local people of Mali. The main purpose of The Great Bure is to be a focal meeting place for tribe members. Nevertheless, it will also be an initial means for accomodation for the First Footers, should they chose this option as opposed to the tents that will also be provided.

The Great Bure will be of benefit in building a long lasting relationship between the indigeneous people of Mali and tribewanted tribe members from around the world. Through the development of The Great Bure tribewanted will be engaging in a life-long Fijian tradition of placing a focus on building a central community building that will foster relationship and friendship - something that is at the heart of the Fijians. We will be entering a long tradition by creating a new building for a new community!

The Great Bure will also provide a fantastic opportunity for the young people of Mali to revive their skills and workmanship and we will learn alot as this building is built . The Great Bure will follow the leigogo design meaning, 'The One'.

Hot topics:

Sanitation discussion: The sanitation discussion has led researchers of the tribe to website, to knowledge and experience on how we could best develop sanitation on the island. We would still like some more thoughts and information. If you have anything to add please head over to the sanitation discussion

Power and water: We have also had a lot of interesting discussion surrounding power and water with many comments on the use of solar power and desalination. If you had anything to add please head over to the discussion

Tribewanted support required:

Focus Groups Co-ordinators: For information on the purpose of the Focus Groups and the role of co-ordinators please take a look at the forum messages.

We currently have two focus group co-ordinators:

Web community development: TC Conway: TC has put some great ideas together for the development of the online community and many new features will be developing under his supervision shortly.

Sanitation: John Wright: One of the original toilet tribe members, John Wright has come forward to facilitate discussion on sanitation and this group has brought forward a number of good web-links, information and discussion on how we should take forward the sanitation on the island. This is fantastic stuff.

Sadly, because of the debate that has been taking place about the role of focus groups etc we have had a number of tribe members e-mail in stating that they want to get involved in developing the island but have been put off by the conversations about the role of focus groups rather than allowing them to simply get on with it. This has resulted in a number of e-mails of suggestions and ideas directly to tribewanted HQ which clearly results in a load of information in an in-box rather than an online discussion.

We continue to encourage discussion about island development and we are continuing to encourage co-ordinators for the following groups:

The following topics still require a co-coordinator:

Accomodation / Washing / Rubbish and Recycling / Communication / Power / Food / Health / Safety / Activities / Environment / Climate Neutral / Water

We are now looking for co-ordinators for the above groups. If we have not recieved any co-ordinators for these groups by Saturday 5th August we will share these roles between both the tribewanted team and our team of advisors. If you are interested in being a co-ordinator please e-mail admin at

Wikipedia writers wanted

TC Conway has started to established a tribewanted Wikipedia. The purpose of the Wiki would be to enable tribe members to find out information about various aspected of tribewanted: Vorovoro from the role and purpose of 'Karva' to definitions of 'Tribal Gatherings'. We are working on developing this Wiki and would appreciate it if a number of wiki-wise people would consider helping us build an initial database of information before we launch this on the website. If you are interested in helping to build our Wiki database please e-mail

STA Deal (USA)

STA Deal for USA members under 26 years old Finally, air companies are continuing to contact us with regards to special deals for tribe members. We have recieved a deal for USA Tribe members who are under 26 years old via STA USA. If you would like further information on this deal please head over to our 'Getting to Fiji pages'

Vinaka, Tribewanted HQ

P.S. If you are looking to stay in Fiji beyond your time on vorovoro one of our tribe members has offered their Fijian holiday home for only £40 / $75 (approx) for the whole house per night - now thats good. Go take a look

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