Jacqueline Natla

From Tr Archive

Jacqueline Natla was one of the rulers of the lost continent of Atlantis along with Qualopec and Tihocan. They shared a powerful artifact between them called the Scion. Natla wanted to exploit the powers of the Scion, but Qualopec and Tihocan captured her and locked her up for her crimes. Many years later she awakened from her prison, and was once again in pursuit of the Scion, which was now hidden in three different parts of the world. She hired Lara to find the first piece in Peru, but Lara realized that something wasn't right with Natla's plans. After having found the third piece, she found out that Natla wanted world domination, and was planning on using the scion's powers to do so. Lara managed to kill Natla in The Great Pyramid in the remains of Atlantis.

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