Alexandria (area)

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A small portion of Alexandria overlooking Jean Yves' Headquarters.

Alexandria is one of Egypt's largest cities today, and is commonly referred to as the "Pearl of the Mediterranean". It was first built around 300 years BC by the architect Dinocrates at the order of Alexander the Great; hence the name of the city. Lara visited the city in Tomb Raider 4 when she was looking for the various pieces to the Armour of Horus which was scattered about at the ancient sites in the city. Lara didn't see much of the city except for the area around Jean Yves' Headquarters and the Coastal Ruins. Under the sea near the Coastal Ruins lies the remains of the Lost Library, Temple of Isis and Cleopatra's Palace, which was destroyed during an earthquake a long time ago.

The area where the secret entrance to the Temple of Isis is.

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