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Nathaniel Bernard Geneva

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Nathaniel Geneva, more commonly known as Nate Geneva, is played by Naazera.

Nathaniel Geneva
House AffiliationFormer Slytherin
Jobs on TPCOMC Professor, Secret Researcher
Other RolesPLOT Team Member, Owner of Gertrude's Graphics

Charrie Name: Nathanial Bernard Geneva

Nickname: Nate

Age: 19

Blood: Pure

Physical Description

Like most of the Genevas, Nate was born with hair as dark as ash. His eyes are the same color, a smoky midnight black. Nate stands around six and a half feet in height, and weighs as much as your average nineteen-year-old. He is fairly thin, just like his younger sister, although he is quite muscular. His skin is very pale, and doesn’t even get very tan during the summertime. Unlike his sister, though, Nate’s face shows a lot of expression. He does not speak a lot, and keeps to himself most of the time, usually speaking with his facial expressions. Nate is considered very handsome by most, but he hardly pays attention to how he looks. His scruffy black hair is always messy and he dresses quite casually.

Brief History

Gregory Geneva, Nate’s grandfather was born in 1925 to her great-grandparents, Belle and Winston Geneva. At the age of 23, Gregory married a young pure-blood witch named Cassiopeia Bulstrode, who was 18 at the time. They lived together quite happily in a small town in Scotland before having their first of three children in 1953. They christened their first child, a boy, Jonathan. With scruffy dark brown hair and black eyes, Jonathan grew to age 4 before they had their second child. Another boy, Gregory and Cassiopeia named this one Bernard. Bernard’s skin was very pale and his hair very dark. His eyes were hazelnut colored and he was an unusually quiet boy. Gregory and Cassiopeia had their third child in 1959, when Bernard was 2 and Jonathan was 6. They named their last child, their new baby girl, Marilynn. Her hair was just as dark as Bernard’s, but her eyes were as black as coal, like Jonathan’s.

Jonathan had a fiancé, Violet, but never had the chance to marry her. He became a Death Eater when he left Hogwarts, when he was 18. He died at age 27, in 1980, killed by an Auror, just before Voldemort’s first demise. Marilynn, who was quite popular at Hogwarts with her pale face, much like that of a porcelain doll and her short black hair that framed her face perfectly was the first of the three to be married. At age 26, she married a pure-blood man who went by Christopher Walnet. At the wedding, Bernard sat next to the groom’s younger sister, Guinevere. Her hair was long, sleek and light brown and she had very light skin with pale silver eyes. Bernard thought she was absolutely beautiful.

After dating for 3 years, Bernard and Guinevere decided to get married, in early-1988. Bernard, a Death Eater since age 20, did not go looking for Voldemort after he was defeated in 1981 by the Boy Who Lived. He continued his job in the Ministry of Magic as a worker in the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Guinevere, who never officially became a Death Eater, (but often helped Bernard with his Dark Arts work) stayed at home to care for their children, the first of which was born in 1988, ten months after their marriage. They named him Nathanial Bernard.

Nate grew up like any regular wizard boy, living in a magical family. He was raised to be proud of his pureblooded family line, and to look down on muggleborns, in other words, those who didn’t deserve his time or respect. When he was two-years-old, his parents had another child: his baby sister, Violet. Nate and Violet got on well; they shared many of the same interests, so it wasn’t hard for them to relate to each other. Nate was always an unusually quite boy, unless he felt the need to speak up. And when he felt the need to speak up, he really spoke up.

Violet however, never showed her true feelings to anyone except for Nate. He served as a true older brother; she confided everything in him. No one ever knew what Violet was feeling or going through, except for Nate, and he respected her privacy and told no one. They had, and still have, a very strong bond.

Lord Voldemort was defeated once and for all in 1997 by the Boy Who Lived. At ages 7 and 9, just after the Dark Lord was banished, both Nate and Violet learned that their father was a Death Eater. They became quite interested in the Dark Arts. Nate had already started looking into dark books on his own whim, but upon learning his father was actually part of the Dark Lord’s followers, his interest in the Dark Arts increased tenfold. After Voldemort’s demise, their father continued fighting for the Death Eaters in the war against the Order.

As planned, in 1999, just after Nate turned eleven, he received his letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. If anything, being exposed to the “lowlifes” that he considered most of the students of Hogwarts only made him dream of following in his father’s footsteps and becoming a Death Eater. To him, being a Death Eater meant power and dignity for his family, and that’s what he wanted the most.

Nate kept his nose clean at Hogwarts. Unlike his sister, who came to Hogwarts when he was in his third year and seemed to not to be able to control herself when around annoying students, Nate was able to restrain himself from getting into trouble. He could maintain some control of Violet if they were both at the scene, but she wrote him letters after he left Hogwarts, and it was apparent that Nate was the only thing that kept her from killing some of the kids at the school.

He was sometimes called a wimp, because he would boldly walk away from scenes were he could have easily gotten away with cursing a bully into oblivion, but this, like many other things, encouraged him to become a Death Eater to show his classmates who really came out on top of things. Nate was sly and cunning during his Hogwarts years, keeping himself out of trouble, setting up his future before anyone saw it coming. The only one he told was Violet.

And he achieved his dreams: fresh out of Hogwarts, the first thing he did was seek out the leader of the Death Eaters. He had his Dark Mark before the age of nineteen.


Nate is quiet, but expressive when necessary. He makes his ideas and feelings known to those that need to hear them, and respects those that he feels deserve his respect, like his family and his fellow Death Eaters. This is quite contrary to his sister, who displays her true feelings to no one except for Nate. He trusts her too, so he tells her what he doesn’t tell others. He is often easily angered, but he is very good at controlling his temper. If he knows he needs to keep himself out of trouble, he is able to restrain himself from doing something stupid. This quality makes him especially resistant against people who try to get under his skin to make him make bad decisions. He is not easily persuaded or dissuaded from doing what he wants. He is also very ambitious, so if he wants something, he usually gets it. Take, for example, being a Death Eater. He knew since he was twelve that he wanted to serve the Dark Side, and his ambition and ready mind helped guide him through the years, to end up where he wanted.


Nate, as he should, considers his ambition and firm mind his greatest strengths. He is able to repel the Imperious Curse as well as any Auror, and his extensive knowledge of the Dark Arts makes him quite a successful Death Eater. He is good at flying and graduated Hogwarts atop his Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but he is not particularly skilled at Divination or History of Magic. He can be unimaginably cruel when he needs to be, but has an irresistible charm that he has a moderate control over. Many of the girls in his Hogwarts days have fallen for his casual demeanor and charm. He is also good at disguising his intentions when he needs to, allowing him to slide through suspicious eyes without being caught for what he really is. Overall, I guess you could say Nate is a good seed that was planted crookedly.


Nate was never very good at Divination or History of Magic while in his Hogwarts days. He achieved run of the mill grades in most of his classes, but failed miserably in Divination, with T’s on every one of his exams. He dropped this class after his O.W.L. year. History of Magic he did slightly better in, only failing with D’s and P’s, but also dropped the class after bombing his O.W.L.s. Other than Hogwarts, his weaknesses include his internal battles with his mind: he often is found stalling, trying to think of the right answer to things, because his mind works too hard to find the right answer sometimes.

Hobbies and Interests

Above all, Nate, just like his sister, possesses a keen interest towards the Dark Arts. He started reading Dark books, books that one couldn’t even find in the Restricted Section at Hogwarts, books that his father bought for him and his sister and mailed to the two of them, at around age thirteen. He was the one that originally taught Violet to bewitch her books to look like Herbology notes and Quidditch magazines. This worked out particularly well for him, because he actually liked Quidditch and was on the Slytherin House Team as Beater back in his Hogwarts days, and it was not unnatural to see him reading a broom magazine. Besides the Dark Arts and Quidditch, Nate is interested in magical creatures, and sometimes visits his father in his Ministry of Magic office, as he works in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

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