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The Ministry of Magic

From Tp Wiki

Revision as of 23:24, 16 November 2006 by LostxAngel (Talk | contribs)
The Fountain in the Arium



Minister of Magic's Office

This is where Oliver Wood conducts reports ad such on his departments; its also where he meets with the Heads of his Departments to discuss important goings on in the Ministry itself. His two assistants Peyton Kettle and Ron Weasley also have offices just off the main one of the Miniters.


Department of Magical Law Enforcement

See Also: Aurors

If you've been summoned here, chances are it's not good. This department contains many divisions for the keeping and protection of the wizarding and muggle communities from the dangers that they tend to cause themselves. These Divisions are The Auror Headquarters, The Misuse of Muggle Atrifacts Office, The Magical Law Enforcement Squad and The Improper Use of Magic Offices.

The head of the department is Michael Kettle

The Employees of this department are:

Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes

Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

Department of International Magical Cooperation

Department of Magical Transportation

Department of Magical Games and Sports

Department of Mysteries

Other Areas within The Ministry of Magic

The Red Telephone Box

The Atrium

Administrative Office

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