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Revision as of 21:17, 15 November 2006 by LostxAngel (Talk | contribs)

Head: Michael Kettle

Founder: Helga Hufflepuff

Emblem: a badger sable (that is, a black badger on a golden field, hence the Hufflepuff colours of yellow and black)

Ghost: The Fat Friar

Sorting Hat's description:

These belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal. Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil.

Common room location: unknown, but down a staircase off the main hall. Cellar-like in appearance.

Hufflepuff, along with Gryffindor and Ravenclaw; is one of the houses considered to have an alliance with all things good and loyal, unlike the Slytherins. There is a pleasent nature surrounding all Hufflepuffs. They love helping out anyone they can, it seems to be embeded within them.

Hufflepuffs have exceptionally large hearts; and their current Head of House Michael Kettle is no exception, he prides the members of his house for staying true to the description the house was given by the sorting hat, and all those within his house are, and always will be loyal.

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