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Scarlett Esmeralda (character)

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| Status= Unknown
| Status= Unknown
| House Affiliation= [[Former Ravenclaw]]
| House Affiliation= [[Former Ravenclaw]]
| Jobs on TP= Hogwarts Headmistress,  Other Roles = None
| Jobs on TP= Hogwarts Headmistress,   

Revision as of 08:56, 26 July 2007

Scarlett Esmeralda is played by Scarlet Esmeralda.

Scarlett Esmeralda #1
House AffiliationFormer Ravenclaw
Jobs on TPHogwarts Headmistress,
Other Roles{{{Other Roles}}}

Charrie Name: Scarlett Esmeralda Valdivia Nickname(s): Her Father, and close friends call her Esme Age: 403 born in the year 1605

Blood: Her father came from a long line of Pure Bloods. Her mother was a siren.

Former House: Ravenclaw

Physical Description: Scarlett is beautiful and frightening. She is of rather stately stature, standing nearly six feet tall. Her features are emaciated and slyphlike, long, narrow fingers and toes, along with a skinny, waif-like figure. Her skin is stark white, silvery and nearly transparent. This gives off the apperance of severe contrast to her blood red lips, and most frighteningly her huge, doe like red eyes, framed by long eyelashes that match her fiery red hair. Her hair is long, wispy and falls past her waist. She dresses very simply normally, in a black or gray dress and her long, black hooded cloak. Althogh very old, she will never look older than 25 years old, doomed to remain child like because of her siren blood. According to Gunhilda of Gorsemoor, a healer who examined her as a child, Scarlett will probably live until she is 700.

Brief History: Scarlett was born in the year 1605, During the Goblin Rebellion. Her father came from a very old and respected pureblood family from Spain, the Valdivias. Her father, Thaddeus was a treasure hunter for Gringotts before the Goblin rebellion, and during the rebellion he served as a liason between the wizards and the goblins. It was at this time that he was seduced by a siren, a nymph-like creature that lives in the water and has the power to kill with the sound of their voice,widely known to be fatal to anyone who hears it. Scarlett was never told how it was she came to live with her father or how he escaped from death, but in her vast studies of magic, she concluded her father must have used some sort of protection spell. Whatever the case, Scarlett's father was determined to raise her as a normal child

From the moment of her birth, Scarlett's father knew that she would be different than most witches and wizards. Her unsual apperance and preternatural magical ability was already evident at age 5. Scarlett's father was concerned that she might one day be , due to her mother's siren blood, too dangerous to be a member of normal society. He took her to Gunhilda of Gorsemoor a healer who specialized in half-breed characteristics and classifications, who studied her for several months and determined that her proclivity for magic was due to the fact that for Sirens, magic is instinctual, not taught. (Much like a house elf.) Gunhilda also determined that Scarlett would most likely live an unnaturally long life, and posess certain characteristics, both physical and capacity, that sirens posess.

This became more apparent as Scarlett aged. By the time she entered school at Hogwarts in 1616, she posessed both great magical prowess and knowledge. By her third year, she was performing NEWT-level magic and beyond. She achieved Outstanding on every OWL and passed all of her NEWTS with flying colors while at Hogwarts. At the time, however, half-breeds were rarely recognized for their merits, so Scarlett's achievments at Hogwarts went relatively unnoticed.

Scarlett spent many of her early years after Hogwarts as a continuing student. She wanted to expand her knowledge of so that she was familiar with every possible facet of magic. She travelled, for many years, all over the word exploring complex spells and magic from all over the world, learning from the best, and became an extremely accomplished wizard in her own right. Upon the death of her father in 1690, Scarlett became a treasure hunter for Gringotts, wishing to continue her fathers legacy. This was a perfect job for her to continue her travels, and henceforth, her education. During this time she was exposed to many different types of wizards and witches, and liased with trolls, goblins, vampires, werewolves and giants, uncovering vasts amounts of treasure, some thought to be lost forever.

Scarlett remained a treasure hunter until Grogan Stump, the Minister of Magic got word of her achievements in 1813. He sent an owl to her an asked her to work for the Ministry of Magic as an Unspeakable. There she worked on time research, in the halls of prophecy, any studied many other types of ancient magic that are still studied today in the halls of Prophecy. Many of the discoveries that Scarlett and her collegues made have benefited the wizarding community for nearly 200 years. Scarlett's particular area of concentration was magic used to fight dark magic. Scarlett and her peers uncovered many great secrets of dark arts defense .

in 1950, The Minister of Magic at the time asked Scarlett if she would move to the Department of Magical law enforcement, where she recruited and trained aurors for nearly 40 years until 1979, when her friend Albus Dumbledore, asked her to join the fight against The Dark Wizard Voldemort. Scarlett spent her time during the first war posing as a death eater. A skilled Leglimens and Occlumens, Scarlett was able to pass important information to Dumbledore and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix that was essential in the war against Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Her arm still bears the dark mark of the death eaters, even to this day.

In the years following the war, it was discovered that Scarlett had betrayed Voldemort and passed secrets to the order of the Phoenix. Because some of the Death Eaters claimed that they were under the influence of the Imperius curse, Scarlett was forced to go into hiding. Scarlett hid at her father's estate in Spain for nearly 20 years, until 1997, The final year of the second war. Upon learning of the death of her friend Dumbledore, Scarlett came out of hiding and resumed her fight against the Death Eaters and Voldemort. She rejoined the Ministry as an auror, and proved an invaluable ally to the Order of the Phoenix. Many death eaters were arrested and sent to Azkaban thanks to Scarlett.

In the Year 2001, Minerva McGonagall retired from Hogwarts as the Headmistress. The Minister of of Magic, Rufus Scimgeour sent an owl to Scarlett the day Mcgonagall retired and asked her to take the place as Headmistress himself. Scarlett happily accepted, and resides there today.

Personality:Because of Both her age and position, Scarlett maintains a very serious demeanor. She is both patient and wise, and this resonates from her at all times. She maintains strict control over her emotions, rarely showing pleasure or displeasure at any time. She does not have any close friends or family, she learned a long time ago that normal people die easily, and after a few centuries of losing people, she decided it was best if she kept everyone at arm's length. There are also few people who understand what its like to be a 400 year old one of a kind half breed, and she hates answering questions about herself, so she doesnt usually engage in polite conversation. She is extremely succinct and to-the-pointoften perceived as brisk. She has a fierce determination when presented with a task. Scarlett is a free spirit and cares very little about what others think of her. She generally does what she wants, when she wants, but at the same time, is still a lady. She resonates with an air of power, beauty, and authority at all times.

Strengths: Scarlett is strong in almost every kind of magic. She is considered a master of Charms and Jinxes in most circles, has nearly unsurpassed knowledge of Defensive Spells, mainly because she has a vast knowledge of the dark arts. She is competent when dealing with herbs, potions and magical creatures, and has explored many different facets of divination. Because of her siren blood, her Legillimency/Occlumency skills are mentioned when discussing the best in the world, especially when dealing with men.

Weaknesses: Scarlett does not trust most people, a thing that comes with her age, and has been betrayed by many throughout the years. She has a a long fuse, but because of her siren blood, when she does get angry, its hard to re-settle her. She is often perceived as cold and unfeeling. Although nothing could be further from the truth. She maintains a certain carelessness about little things that bother most normal people, which is perceived by most as flightiness.

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